


而今的青岛,因活力与时尚的气质焕发着全新的魅力。2021 年 4 月,青岛国际时尚城建设攻势印发了《青岛国际时尚城建设攻势 2021 年作战方案 3.0 版》。3.0 版作战方案精准聚焦时尚产业集约发展,坚决做好时尚城市核心支撑,攻坚目标也更具宏阔视野。近期,2021 时尚青岛系列评选结果揭晓,共评选出时尚街区、时尚景点打卡地、时尚美食店、时尚咖啡厅、时尚酒吧、时尚音乐吧、时尚画廊、时尚主题博物馆、时尚书店、时尚杂货店、时尚会展活动、时尚体育赛事、时尚文化活动 13 个类别、130 个奖项。


This April, the Campaign on the Con- struction of Qingdao International City of Fashion and Lifestyle issued an Action Plan for the Campaign on the Construction of Qingdao International City of Fashion and Lifestyle 2021 Version 3.0. The Action Plan Version 3.0 accurately focuses on the intensive development of fashion industry and seeks to do well in providing core support for the building of a fashion city, with a broader vision in the keys goals to be accomplished. Recently, the results of 2021 "Fashion Qingdao" series selection activity were unveiled. The activity selected a total of 130 award winners across 13 categories including fashion blocks, fashion scenic spots, fashion gourmet food destinations, fashion cafes, fashion bars, fashion music bars, fashion galleries, fashion theme museums, fashion bookstores, fashion grocery stores, fashion conventions and exhibitions, fashion sports events and fashion cultural activities. In the name of fashion of splendid Qingdao, this city is presenting people with its most complete form with the most charming temperament and the most fashionable image, making people like and even love it.

作者 魏浩浩