身傍青色岩 留忆是贵州


人们说,去贵州旅行,总是要去青岩古镇。不仅因为它距离贵阳只有 29 公里,更因为青岩镇是一座享有盛名的文化古镇。巍峨的古城楼、悠长的石板路、恢弘的古寺庙、精美的石牌坊、错落有致的古民房,参天的古油杉更是在静静地等待着人们的到来。

青岩古镇因身傍青色岩峰而得名,古为屯田驻兵之地。《贵州图经新志》载:「青崖在治城南五十里,贵州前卫屯田其下。」贵州方言属于北方语系,当地百姓称屯堡「青崖」,「岩」音「ai」,后写为「青岩」。是贵州四大古镇(青岩、镇远、丙安、隆里)之一,始建于明洪武十年(1378 年),历明清两代,至今已有 600 多年历史。


It is said that a travel to Guizhou must include a visit to Qingyan Ancient Town. Not just because it is 29 kilometers away from Guiyang, but also for its rich cultural heritage. The lofty ancient towers, the long flagstonepaved streets, the magnificent ancient temples, the exquisite stone archways, the scattered ancient civil residences, and the towering ancient ketelearia all quietly await people’s arrival. Qingyan Ancient Town got its name from the cyan crags it is backed by (Qingyan means cyan rocks in Chinese). In ancient times, garrison troops used to reclaim wasteland and station here. Originally built in the 10th year during the reign of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty (1378), it underwent the Ming and Qing Dynasties, with a history of more than 600 years. It is now one of the four ancient towns (Qingyan, Zhenyuan, Bing’an and Longli) in Guizhou.

作者 方童