

昆嵛山「升仙台」又称棋盘石,是全真教的祖庭神清观西南面的一块巨石,高约 20 多米,当地人说,八仙中的铁拐李和吕洞宾曾来过这里。










Immortal Presence Terrace in Kunyu Mountain is also called the Chessboard Stone. It is an over-20-meter boulder in the southwestern side of Shenqing Temple, home to the Quanzhen Sect. According to the locals, Tieguai Li and LyuDongbin among the Eight Immortals had been here.

Why is it called the Immoral Presence Terrace? Behind it there is a legendary story.

Allegedly, a very long time ago, there lived a youngster called Li in the family name below Kunyu Mountain, who made his life by gathering firewood. One day he came to the vicinity of Yanxia Cave to gather firewood.

When he went below the boulder, a newly stripped peace-pit was thrown from above all of a sudden. He wondered why the peach tree could have fruits after the Spring Festival.

As he was thinking confusedly, he heard people talking from above and climbed on the boulder, seeing two elders playing chess with a bottomless utensil by the side of one person and a big gourd on the back of the other person. On the ground lay uneaten fresh peaches for they two to eat as they played chess.

One of them picked a peach for him to eat when he caught sight of him and said they, LyuDongbin and Tieguai Li, were doing exercise here to make preparation for the chess competition in the fairyland.

作者 吕以泮