在济南 看文旅



旅游早已「飞入寻常百姓家」,成为人们喜闻乐见的群众活动,2019 年全年,中国国内旅游人数突破 60 亿人次,实现旅游总收入 6.63 万亿元。今天的旅游不再是单纯爬爬山,看看水。文化与旅游深度融合,「揽山水之幽,得人文之胜」,丰富多彩的文化赋予了旅游无限张力,让人们拥抱「诗和远方」。








Jinan is the perfect choice for those who are longing for poverty and dreamland. As a National Historical and Cultural City and International Garden City, it has been significantly influenced by the profound Qi and Lu culture and has enjoyed a spiritually uplifting natural environment.

The city has a dramatic landscape of magnificent mountains. There are seventy-two famous springs, among which the Baotu Spring is widely known as the “best spring in the world”.

The city offers various forms of entertainment, such as the live-action performance Minghu Show, and the lantern show for highlighting the integrated charm of spring water and lantern that kicks off in the Baotu Spring Park during the Springs Festival holiday.

The city sees former residences of celebrities scattering in scenic spots or on old streets as it boasts numerous famous people of different generations. The city also provides local foods that can satisfy tourists of all tastes.

The city is abundant in cultural tourism resources and always gives an enthusiastic welcome to people all over the world. The locals can get some amazing facts in this article either.

作者 方鸿