

「五月的风」2020 年青岛摄影大赛由中共青岛市委宣传部、青岛市文联、青岛市人民政府新闻办公室主办,青岛市展览工作室、青岛市新媒体协会、青岛市摄影家协会承办,《走向世界 帆船之都》杂志、青岛图片库协办。

经过前期的精心组织和筹备,此次大赛共收到 165 位参赛作者的 2687 幅作品。内容涵盖对外传播类、人文纪实类、城市风光类摄影图片,均反映了青岛城市变化的精彩瞬间。

摄影爱好者们用摄影特有的艺术形式和视角记录展现了 2020 年青岛各个领域、各条战线在建设「开放、现代、活力、时尚」城市中取得的重大成就和精神风貌;展现了青岛在建设「开放、现代、活力、时尚」城市过程中日新月异的城市面貌和绮丽自然风光,以及全市在抗击疫情、进行全员核酸检测过程中的精彩感人瞬间。通过一幅幅精彩的照片,彰显了青岛时尚魅力和人文情怀,用摄影艺术推介着时尚青岛的知名度和美誉度,带动着城市影响力的提升。

“The Wind of May” 2020 Q i n g d a o P h o t o g r a p h y Competition was sponsored by the Publicity Department of the CPC Qingdao Committee, Qingdao Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Information Office of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Government, organized by Qingdao International Press Center, Qingdao Association of Newmedia and Qingdao Photographers Association, and coorganized by OPENINGS SAILING CITY magazine and Qingdao Photo Gallery.

With elaborate organization and arrangement, the competition committee received a total of 2,687 works from 165 participating photographers. The submitted photos covered a wide range of categories including international publicity, biographical documentary and urban scenery, exhibiting the splendid moments of Qingdao’s urban changes.

With a unique art form and p e r s p e c t i v e , e n t h u s i a s t s o f photography recorded and reflected the spirit and great achievements of Qingdao in the construction of an“open, modern, dynamic and stylish”city in all fields in 2020. These works presented Qingdao’s ever-changing city appearance and beautiful natural scenery. The touching moments of Qingdao’s fight against the pandemic and conducting nucleic tests for the whole city are also recorded by the photos, demonstrating Qingdao’s sense of fashion and humanistic sentiment. These wonderful photos promoted the reputation of this stylish city and enhanced its influence.

城市风光类 Urban Scenery

「城市风光类」主要指在 2020 年反映和展现青岛城市建设的重点工程和标志性景观;展示城市人居环境、生态环境和发展环境的巨大变化;展示城市山海风光、城市夜景等精彩画面。张有平的《青岛奥帆》荣获城市风光类金奖,袁大青的《云海奇峰》、苗红田的《青岛新机场》荣获城市风光类银奖,李梅的《大桥雄姿》、吕建军的《时尚青岛》、姜虹的《鸥聚栈桥》荣获城市风光类铜奖。此外,刘明元、王华等人的 47 幅作品获得城市风光类优秀奖。

Among the “Urban Scenery”, Zhang Youping claimed the gold award with “Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center”, Yuan Daqing and Miao Hongtian won the silver award by “Skyscrapers in Clouds” and “Qingdao’s New Airport” respectively, and Li Mei, Lyu Jianjun and Jiang Hong gained the bronze award through “Magnificent Bridge”, “Fashion Qingdao” and“Gull Flock at Landing Stage” respectively. In addition, Liu Mingyuan, Wang Hua and other participants won the excellence award with their 47 pieces of work.

人文纪实类 Biographical Documentary

「人文纪实类」主要指体现青岛各个领域、各条战线,特别是重点行业和企业在建设「开放、现代、活力、时尚」城市中所取得的重大成就;在城市发展历程中具有影响力、标志性、首创性、代表性的历史事件和人物;生活百态下的青岛掠影和精彩画面。此外,在人文纪实类中,新增「众志成城、抗击疫情」板块,反映全市疫情防控期间,进行全员核酸检测过程中的精彩、感人瞬间。杨红的《致谢最美逆行者》荣获人文纪实类金奖,戴东风的《空中赞歌》、宋旭光的《憩》荣获人文纪实类银奖,于胜宪的《疫生无情人有情》、杨宝营的《城市广场》、饶琦的《始于足下》荣获人文纪实类铜奖。此外,郝孝舜、董志刚等人的 38 幅作品获得人文纪实类优秀奖。

In the category of “Biographical Documentary”, the gold award was presented to Yang Hong’s“Thank You, Heroes in Harm’s Way”, the silver award was granted to Dai Dongfeng’s “Hymn in the Air” and Song Xuguang’s “Respite”, and the bronze award was given to Yu Shengxian’s “Ardent People Fight Merciless Pandemic”, Yang Baoying’s “City Square” and Rao Qi’s “A Single Step”. The excellence award was conferred on Hao Xiaoshun, Dong Zhigang and other photographers with their 38 pieces of work.

对外传播类 International Publicity


In the “International Publicity” category, Zhang Jin’gang and Jiang Qingwei won the bronze award by“Busy ‘Fuxing’ EMU Production Line” and“Park’s Cultural Corner” respectively,“Calm Amidst Wave” brought Sun Baojin the excellence award home, and the rest of awards were vacant.

作者 石薇娅