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作为全国首家以日韩进口商品为特色的跨境电商展示交易平台,中日韩消费专区电商体验中心位于山东自贸试验区青岛片区的青岛西海岸新区保税物流中心,建筑面积达 7000 平方米,设立了日本馆、韩国馆、一衣带水馆、美妆个护馆、国家馆、保健母婴馆等,涵盖来自日韩为主的 30 多个国家和地区的美妆护肤、个护清洁、保健用品、母婴用品等商品,汇集日韩潮流单品和全球优选品牌上万款优选好物。中日韩消费专区电商体验中心开设了 8 个直播间植入网红直播,集合「线上 + 线下」双层流量,让更多消费者享受到跨境电商的免税红利,真正实现「不出国门,嗨购全球」。





东方时尚季·2022 青岛时装周在西海岸举办期间,买手订货会为众多原创设计师品牌提供全新的展示方式,通过「商品 + 美学 + 服务」的模式,向买手输出原创设计师品牌服装的设计理念、设计亮点等,将美学融入前端商品,以时尚为抓手,引领相关产业转型升级。此外,「东方时尚季·抖音购物节」线上平台也为参与青岛国际时装周的原创设计师品牌打造线上销售新场景,16 家设计师和品牌线上直播发布并实现全流程云上交易。此类合作汇聚双方资源,加速原创设计品牌进行商业转化,实现时尚产业与电商平台的跨界碰撞,同时为观众带来「云上看秀、即秀即买」的多元时尚消费体验。


想要满足中青年家庭日常购物、休闲的需求,黄五箱进口网红仓是个好去处。这里是一家集进口、批发、零售一体的进口会员仓储超市,拥有 1250 平方米的大空间,货架上陈列着超过 900 种商品,各类进口商品海外直供且价格低廉,每逢节假日还会有不同的优惠活动。推上购物车开始「薅羊毛」,享受购物的快乐。



在西海岸,长江路、唐岛湾、香江路、西海岸 CBD、安子等商圈集聚,特色街区、时尚购物体、高品质美食、精品酒店「扎堆」于此,是体验潮流都市生活的最佳去处。

永旺梦乐城购物中心集购物、娱乐、社区、生态 4 种功能为一体,实施一站式服务。以「顾客第一」为基本理念,通过建设购物中心努力为人们创造丰富的生活,为地区经济的振兴,提高地区社会的生活、文化而积极贡献力量,可满足顾客购物、餐饮、休闲、娱乐等多种需求。同样能满足一站式消费需要的还有麦德龙,作为德国麦德龙集团在青岛地区设立的第二家现购自运商场,这里提供 1.7 万种以上食品、3 万种以上的非食品等品类齐全的商品,仓储式购物环境,让人买出「批发商」的痛快。

海洋特色是青岛不能不提的主题,青岛依托于海洋也发展海洋文化。青岛海上嘉年华澳乐购商业街区坐落于唐岛湾畔,集合了室内外主题游乐园、娱乐休闲名品折扣购物中心、豪华酒店、会展中心等,是全方位、多功能的大型商、住、旅游综合体。海上嘉年华澳乐购作为「真正的国际名品直营奥特莱斯」,建筑面积约 14 万平方米,汇集了超过数百个国内外知名品牌,打造欧式街区、时尚大道、河畔主题餐厅街等地标性建筑,引领全新时尚消费体验。徜徉在开放式的欧式建筑群落,左手掌握时尚,右手挽起家人,在逛街之余增添一份优雅的仪式感。

此外,位于金沙滩啤酒城中的哈舅大本营,以本地 IP「哈舅」为基础,销售啤酒周边、儿童潮玩、家居用品等 2000 余款文创衍生产品。一进到店里,童趣可爱的颜色瞬间就让人心情好起来,哈舅亲切热情的形象就像是每个好客的青岛人,举起酒杯欢迎每位到这里的宾朋。而金沙滩啤酒城中以啤酒为主题的购物场所更是让人目不暇接——国际啤酒汇平价超市汇集了来自德国、比利时、美国、加拿大、丹麦、法国、瑞典等 20 余个国家近 350 余款品牌平价啤酒,打造种类丰富、品质优良、价格合理的一站式精酿啤酒采购中心。


Finding the Best Answers to Shopping in Qingdao West Coast New Area

How can you buy the daily necessities in one stop How can you buy things from all over the world without leaving your home How can you stay ahead of the trend and become a trendsetter You can find the best places for shopping in Qingdao West Coast New Area.

As the first cross-border e-commerce exhibition and trading platform featuring imported goods from Japan and the ROK in China, the China-Japan-ROK Consumption Zone E-commerce Experience Center has a building area of 7,000 square meters, and has gathered trendy items from Japan and the ROK as well as numerous selected items of famous global brands. What’s more, with eight livestreaming booths set up, livestreaming by influencers has also been introduced to drive traffic to the Experience Center. The combination of "online + offline" approaches allows more consumers to enjoy the dividend of tax exemption of "cross-border e-commerce" and buy products from all over the world without leaving their homes.

The Oriental Fashion Season · 2022 Qingdao Fashion Week Buyers Trade Fair provided a new way of display for many original designer brands at the China (International) Fashion Brand Trading Center. Through the mode of "goods + aesthetics + services", it showed the design ideas and highlights of clothing of original designer brands to buyers, integrated aesthetics into the front-end commodity planning, and provided buyers with goods selection support through the distillation of the core selling points, goods matching and combination. It aimed to lead the transformation and upgrading of local industries with fashion as the starting point.

On the Starry Island in Qingdao West Coast New Area, Qingdao Oriental Movie Metropolis, together with the Wagon Diary Club, Wuling Hongguang Mini and other brands, jointly built the Xingguang trunk market to add a special, fashionable and interesting touch to the beautiful island life. The marine characteristics are an integral part of Qingdao. Relying on the sea, Qingdao is actively developing its marine culture. Located in the center of the tourist resort of Qingdao West Coast New Area, Qingdao Rio Carnival Outlets Business Block has the 68-meter-high Qindao Eye Ferris wheel and focuses on the theme of marine romance. It is now a tourist landmark of the West Coast New Area and even Qingdao.

Walking into the Golden Beach Beer City, you will marvel at the number of shopping places featured by beer. Based on local IP HaJiu, HaJiu Space sells more than 2,000 cultural and creative derivative products including beer-themed products, fashionable children’s toys and household products. As soon as you enter the store, the lovely colors will immediately make you feel better. HaJiu’s warm, friendly image is like every hospitable local people, welcoming every visitor with a glass of beer.

The increasingly diversified shopping formats not only have met the living needs of residents, but also are showing the vigorous economic development of Qingdao West Coast New Area. The industrial ecological chain of urban fashion has been gradually improved in Qingdao West Coast New Area, the ninth national new area, promoting the prosperity and development of the urban economy.

作者 宫瑾