

Kyokushin Karate Practicer Dong Liangping

一袭白衣、两相鞠躬,空手赤足的博弈开启,移动身体、偏转身形,每一次拳脚的精准出击,都是力与技的较量……走进 90 后小伙董梁平的极真空手道馆,对于空手道力量比拼、野蛮格斗的公众浅层印象被瞬间打破,取而代之的是融合体育刚性与艺术灵性的无限激情直抵人心。

出生于杭州的董梁平,初中毕业时初次接触极真空手道便被其深深吸引。因为天赋与努力,他在较短的时间内成为一名空手道教练,却因意外受伤无缘竞技赛事。大学毕业后,董梁平从事过许多行业,但从未间断过空手道训练。2020 年一个偶然的机会,董梁平和他的徒弟们来到济南,创立了这家极真空手道馆。


「快速转换,拉开距离,不要拖」「没劲就防守,恢复体力,等待机会」「记住每一步要做什么,心里要先想到,再行动」……伴着学员们对抗训练时发出的喊声,董梁平适时进行指导。其间,他们不断互道礼语「OSU!」OSU 是空手道领域专业用语,意为「押忍」,即自我克制与坚持忍耐,而 osu 精神是极真空手道训练中的首要精神,它代表尊重、感激和耐心。




昔日的冷门项目空手道,如今不仅在奥运会竞技赛场上崭露头角,更逐渐成为青少年强身健体的选择之一。 「对于竞技空手道来说,大众空手道的底层建设越好,越能为其选拔人才提供优质土壤。」在空手道大众普及的道路上,董梁平默默耕耘着,他要用自己的方式,将运动的快乐传递给更多的人。


Kyokushin Karate Practicer Dong Liangping

With two contestants inwhite exchanging bows, abarehanded and barefoot gamebegan. Moving, deflecting,every punch or kick is a matchof strength and skills_ Afterentering the kyokushin karatekaikan (club) owned by DongLiangping, a Post-90s man,you will instantly change thesuperficial public impression ofkarate as a strength competition,savage wrestling, and develop aninfinite passion that integratesthe rigidity of sports and thespirituality of art.

Dong Liangping, born inHangzhou, was deeply attractedto kyokushin karate at hisfirst introductrom secondaryschool. With talent and effort,he became a karate instructorwithin a short time, but missedout on karate contests becauseof an accidental injury. Aftergraduating from university, DongLiangping had engaged in manyindustries, but never stoppedkarate training. In 2020, DongLiangping and his apprenticescame to Jinan by chance, andfounded this club.

Kyokushin karate is theabsolute combat-type karate,famous for its iconic full contactrule on the international stage.After many years of researchand practice, Dong Liangpinggot a deeper understandingthat kyokushin karate is notthe brutal combat in the broadsense, but a kind of "Principledand Reasonable Boxing", whichrequires principles and reason,i.e. karate players' life goal andtheir code of conduct in dailylife.

作者 郭蓓蓓