「五月的风」2021 年青岛摄影大赛庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年主题赛评选结果揭晓


日前,由中共青岛市委宣传部、青岛市文联、青岛市人民政府新闻办公室主办,青岛国际新闻中心、青岛市新媒体协会、青岛市摄影家协会、《走向世界 帆船之都》杂志、青岛图片库承办,青岛市新媒体协会所属城市传媒、青岛新闻网、爱青岛、观海新闻、青报网、掌上青岛、视觉志、古麦嘉禾、二更青岛、青岛财经网、网易青岛、大众青岛、今日头条青岛、凤凰青岛、鲁网、半岛网、青岛摄影网协办的「『五月的风』2021 年青岛摄影大赛——庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年」主题赛评选活动圆满结束。此次大赛共收到 320 余位参赛作者的 3300 余幅作品。内容涵盖人文类、纪实类、风光类摄影图片,均反映了青岛这座光荣的城市在中国革命和社会主义建设伟大事业中走过的光辉历程和取得的辉煌成就以及精彩瞬间。

Recently, hosted by Publicity Department of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee, Qingdao Federation of Literary And Art Circles, and Information Office of Qingdao Municipal Government, organized by Qingdao International News Center, Qingdao New Media Association, Qingdao Photographers Association, the magazine Towards the World, Sailing City and Qingdao Photo Gallery, and co-organized by City Media under Qingdao New Media Association, Qingdao News, IQingdao, Guanhai News, Daily Qingdao, Zhangshang Qingdao, Vision, Gumaijiahe Technology Co. Ltd., Ergeng Culture Media (Qingdao) Co. Ltd., Qingdao Finance News, Netease Qingdao, Public Qingdao, Headline Today Qingdao, Ifeng Qingdao, Shandong News, Bandao News, and UUVISION, “ ‘May Wind’ 2021 Qingdao Photography Competition - celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China” has been successfully concluded. The competition received over 3,300 works from more than 320 participants. The content covers humanities, documentary and scenery photography, reflecting the glorious history of the brilliant achievements and moments of Qingdao in the great cause of the Chinese revolution and socialist construction.

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