望春观青岛 赏玩春光好





春季赏花、老城漫步、康体健身、探秘访古、乡村度假、品味珍馐……「旅游 +」模式一开启,各个年龄段的人们都在春日里找到专属的「撒欢儿」方式。


Some people say: By the time they run out of their rouge, the peach flowers will come into bloom. Now, with the spring breeze blowing in Qingdao, peach blossoms are all over the mountains and plains. Among the mountains and the sea, on the streets and alleys, warm breeze is blowing and apricot and pear flowers are in full bloom. The enchanting scenery and wafts of fragrance in the air become a part of one’s springtime memory in Qingdao.

Spring is a beautiful season in Qingdao.

With mountains, sea and bays, Qingdao is attracting people here to take in its breathtaking scenery and all the beauties it can offer in spring.

Enjoy the flowers in spring, take strolls in the old neighborhoods, do fitness activities, explore mysteries of the ancient times, take a holiday in the countryside, taste delicacies... With the "tourism +" mode started, people of all ages have found their own way of "having fun" in spring.

One can always find joy in the view of the mountains and the sea. Enjoying springtime in Qingdao offers people refreshing experiences in a blaze of color and leaves them in admiration of the infinite beauty of spring.

作者 丁响响