


1921 年,以河南渑池仰韶村遗址发掘为开端,现代考古学在中国应运而生。近百年来,几代考古学者在中华大地上孜孜以求、薪火相传,建立起中国考古学体系,完全重建了中国史前史。1930 年,考古工作者发掘城子崖遗址,揭开了山东现代考古学的序幕。自此,作为中国考古的重要组成部分,山东考古学进入了以田野发掘为基础的科学、规范阶段。山东考古人以手铲当笔,从山区到海滨,从城市到旷野,踏遍山东的各个角落,发现后李文化、北辛文化、大汶口文化、龙山文化、岳石文化……山东乃至中国的历史轴线随之不断被拉长,文明细节不断被丰富,考古事业也不断走向辉煌:发表中国第一部考古发掘报告,建立起中国最完整的新石器时代文化谱系,中华文明起源的脉络也逐步清晰。




Archaeology is a science, which continues to produce new knowledge and urge people to explore. Because of it, we have witnessed the ancient inhabitants’ luxury and simplicity; because of it, we have deduced that the Chinese civilization have a history of five thousand years; because of it, we have solved numerous historical mysteries.

In 1921, starting with the excavation of the site of Yangshao Village, Mianchi, Henan, modern archaeology came into being in China. In 1930, archaeological workers excavated the Longshan Culture site of Chengzi Cliff, Shandong, lifting the curtain on modern archaeology of Shandong. Since then, as an important part of Chinese archaeology, the archaeology of Shandong entered a scientific and normative stage based on field excavation. Accordingly, Shandong and China’s historical timelines have continued to be lengthened, details of civilization have continued to be enriched, and archaeological undertaking has continued to move towards glory: China’s first archaeological excavation report has been published; China’s most complete pedigree of Neolithic culture has been established; the origin of Chinese civilization has been becoming clear.

At the centenary of Chinese archaeology, more and more young people have joined the archaeological team, and the application of more and more high technology has broadened archaeological workers’ horizons on ancient society. With the support of newly emerging forces and new technologies, Shandong’s archaeological workers will still work conscientiously, endeavor to explore and continue to discern the blueprint of ancient culture and society. We also believe that archaeology can prove and continue history. Due to archaeology, that strange and distant China thousands of years ago will be closer to us, and allow us to have a better understanding of the long-standing, extensive and profound Chinese civilization.

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