


为深入贯彻落实山东省第十二次党代会精神和全市半年工作总结分析会议精神,回顾盘点、总结提升,8 月 24 日起,烟台市人民政府新闻办公室连续推出 14 场系列新闻发布会,通报和介绍烟台各县市区经济社会发展和重点工作开展情况。


The new journey is guided by the new mission. The new kinetic energy is inspired by the new goal.

To further implement the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of Shandong Province and the municipal conference for the summarization and analysis of work by reviewing, checking, summarizing and elevating, the news office of Yantai Municipal People’s Government launched a series of fourteen press conferences since Aug.24 to inform and introduce the condition of economic and social development and key work in all districts, cities and counties in Yantai.

All fields of work are comprehensively advanced for efficient coordination of the prevention and control of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic and social development throughout Yantai. A wonderful answer sheet has been handed in showing a good momentum of steady growth in economic development.

作者 栾悦