


这里文化底蕴深厚质朴,是民政部认定的「千年古县」。1928 年,龙山文化随着几片陶片的出世惊艳世人,4600 年前的城子崖开启了山东乃至全国的城市文明。


这里的生态禀赋得天独厚。融山、泉、河、湖、城于一体,七十二名泉拥有 6 处,其中百脉泉与趵突泉齐名,素有「小泉城」的美誉,是国家全域旅游示范区……


巨大潜力正在释放。齐鲁科创大走廊沿线布局了 13 所高校,山大龙山校区(创新港)、空天信息大学稳步推进。龙山人工智能谷等八大科创平台先后建成,中材人工晶体研究院、百度数据标注基地等科创项目相继落户。

工业强势基础明显。建有国家级明水经济技术开发区、省级刁镇化工产业园两个沿黄合规园区,工业企业达 2200 多家,省级专精特新、瞪羚、隐形冠军等企业 136 家,主板上市公司 4 家,年度规上工业总产值 1374.8 亿元,是全省工业十强县。

交通优势愈加突出。地处省会经济圈核心圈层,有 3 个高铁站、4 条高速,城区 30 分钟可到机场,轨道交通 8 号线、济潍高速、济莱高铁、小清河章丘港正加快建设。




Zhangqiu is both ancient and modern, rooted in the past and giving out exuberant fashions

Zhangqiu was the first primitive site that Chinese archaeologists discovered. Chengziya is the location of the first discovery of the neolithic Longshan culture in 1928, which plays a very important role in the study and understanding of Chinese Neolithic culture.

Zhangqiu is the hometown of numerous famous people, such as Zou Yan, Fang Xuanling, Zhang Yanghao, Li Kaixian, Meng Luochuan and etc. The renowned poet Li Qingzhao looked towards extensive mountain and water views in her hometown for inspiration

Zhangqiu is known for its advantageous eco-environment, harmonizing with natural landscapes. It is recognized as the “smaller spring city” and national demonstration area of all-for-one tourism, with six of the 72 famous springs being located in Zhangqiu.

Grasping the combined historic opportunities presented by the strategies – Ecological Protection and HighQuality Development in the Yellow River Basin, Strategy of Strengthening the Provincial Capital, Strategy of Vitalizing East Jinan - Zhangqiu is making the progress towards fulfilling commitments.

Zhangqiu unleashes extraordinary potential. Thirteen universities along the Qilu Science and Technology Innovation Corridor are being established, construction of the Longshan Campus of Shandong University (Innovation Port) and the Aerospace Information University are steadily advancing. Eight science and innovation platforms such as Longshan Artificial Intelligence Valley have been built, and science-innovation projects such as Sinoma Synthetic Crystal Research Institute and Baidu Data Labeling Base have been completed.

Zhangqiu has laid solid foundation for industries. Besides the Mingshui Economic and Technological Development Zone and the Diaozhen Chemical Industry Park, the district has more than 2,200 industrial enterprises, ranking in the top 10 industrial counties in Shandong. Zhangqiu enjoys competitive transportation advantage. Located in the central area of the provincial capital economic circle, it has 3 high-speed railway stations and 4 highways. Rail transit line, highway, high-speed railway, inland port are speeding up the construction. Zhangqiu has carried out industrial transformation and upgrading, seeing momentous development in all three sectors. Zhangqiu focuses on promoting the spiritual wealth and put them into practice. Enterprise in the district have crated striking achievements, which developed some high-end winter sports equipment for the B eijing Winter Olympics, thermal-protective material for the return capsule of the Shenzhou-13 manned spaceship, and the world’s largest forged ring.

Nowadays, Zhangqiu district is making stunning progress based on its precise positioning, elaborate planning and pioneering endeavour.

作者 诸葛