





据悉,为深化未成年人思想道德建设,教育引导广大未成年人扣好人生第一粒扣子,青岛市以「同声颂党恩 喜迎二十大」为主题,广泛开展主题突出、特色鲜明、形式多样的教育实践活动。除本次青少年阅读主题活动之外,后期还将组织青少年党史学习宣讲、「百校同声颂党恩」歌咏展示、青少年寻访红色足迹和红色故事讲解等活动,引导广大青少年厚植爱党爱国爱社会主义情怀,坚定不移听党话、感党恩、跟党走,树立正确的理想信念、价值理念、道德观念,争做担当民族复兴大任的时代新人。

To welcome the convening of the 20th CPC National Congress, stimulate young people’s patriotism and deepen their affection for their home and motherland, the "Extolling the Party’s Kindness and Welcoming the 20th CPC National Congress” Qingdao Youth Reading Theme Activity was successfully held recently in the Shinan District Library, hosted by Qingdao Municipal Civilization Office and organized by Qingdao Shinan District Culture and Tourism Bureau and Shinan District Civilization Office.

The activity kicked off with the reading of a century-old classic—"Our Mother is Called China". With the question of "how can we continue the prosperity and strength of our motherland", the teacher explained in detail the last chapter of the book "We all have a bright future with infinite possibilities" for young readers. The teacher’s vivid narration ignited patriotism among the children who actively expressed what they had learned, thought and understood, saying that in their future study and life, they would better temper their character and standardize their behaviors, and strive to become socialist builders and successors with moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility and working skills.

作者 魏浩浩