

到过山东的人,大都对这里的自然风景印象深刻。这里有流经山东九市、蜿蜒千里的黄河,有全长超过 3300 公里的美丽海岸线,还有逾 5400 平方公里的黄河三角洲。丰富的自然风貌孕育了风格各异的美景,也造就了这片土地悠久的历史和灿烂的文明。

山东是「人文沃土」,更是「手造沃土」。「只凭风力健,不假羽毛丰。红线凌空去,青云有路通。」提到山东的传统手工艺,很多人首先想到的大概是潍坊风筝。全球每 10 个风筝中就有 7 个来自潍坊,这大抵可以看作潍坊风筝走出国门、为世人皆知的一大数字支撑。


在孔子故里,背包穿梭于大小景区,包上如果不挂个 Q 版的孔子、孟子玩偶,总觉得有点跟不上潮流;尼山世界文明论坛期间,「仁、义、礼、智、信」套装悄然走红尼山圣境;高考季,孔子博物馆推出以佑考为主题的「考不倒」不倒翁文创产品,颇受欢迎……一座城市文创产业火爆的背后,是其城市文脉的创新创造。


创意赋能,传统文化的生命力转化为生产力。近年来,山东省高度重视文化创意产业发展,先后在文化旅游、文化科技、文化金融等方面出台了一系列政策措施,产业规模持续壮大,新业态、新模式、新动能加速成长。2021 年,全省文化产业向好向优发展势头良好,全省规模以上文化企业数达到 2782 家,实现营业收入 6152.4 亿元,比上年增长 24.4%,高出全国 8.4 个百分点;两年平均增长 15.8%,高出全国 6.9 个百分点。

文化创意产业是山东省重点发展的新旧动能转换十强产业之一,既是满足人民美好生活需要的重要途径,又是文化强省建设的重要支撑。4 月 7 日,山东发布《关于推动文化创意产业高质量发展的若干措施》,提升文化创意产业核心竞争力。山东手造、创意设计、文化智能制造、影视创意、网络视听、动漫游戏、数字演艺娱乐、文化会展、数字出版与绿色印刷、研学文旅,这十大重点发展领域或将成为拉动各地经济增长的新引擎。


In recent years, Shandong has attached great importance to the development of the cultural & creative industry, issued a series of policies and measures concerning cultural tourism, cultural technology, and cultural finance, continued to expand the industry size, and accelerated the development of new business forms, modes, and growth drivers. In 2021, Shandong’s cultural industry maintained a sound momentum of positive development. Shandong had 2,782 cultural enterprises above designated size, and realized business revenue of RMB 615.24 billion, an increase of 24.4% over the previous year, 8.4% higher than the national average; realized an average growth of 15.8% in the past two years, 6.9% higher than the national average.

The cultural & creative industry is one of the top 10 industries for replacing old growth drivers with new ones, to which priority is given in Shandong. It is not only an important approach of meeting the people’s needs for a better life, but also important support for building a strong cultural province. On April 7, Shandong issued the Several Measures for Promoting High-Quality Development of the Cultural and Creative Industry to improve the core competitiveness of the industry. The top 10 priority areas, including Shandong handicrafts, creative design, culture-oriented smart manufacturing, film & TV creativity, network video and audio systems, anime games, digital performance & entertainment, cultural conventions & exhibitions, digital publishing & green printing, study tours & cultural tourism, are likely to become new engines stimulating regional economic growth, and building stronger cultural confidence.

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