


今年 63 岁的刘志坤,是崔家庄村一名有着 40 多年党龄的老党员。1983 年,正值青春年华的刘志坤退伍回村后发现,作为村民们重要收入来源的山楂种植产业,由于与市场需要对接不畅通等原因,采收的果子常因卖不出去而坏掉。面对果农的困境,经过多方考察,刘志坤决定发展果品深加工产业,解决果农们的销售难题。当年,刘志坤便在崔家庄村建起了山楂果脯、山楂罐头、炒红果等山楂深加工企业,不但使村里的山楂果有了稳定的销路,还通过山楂加工带动了村民就业。

刘志坤常说,发展家乡,带领乡亲们脱贫致富,才是他回乡创业的初心和使命。多年来,在做大企业的同时,刘志坤时刻不忘依靠产业引领乡亲们走共同富裕的路子。在推进精准扶贫中,刘志坤和企业积极担当,主动与镇村联合,依托企业优势创设了「公司 + 现代特色农业 + 基地 + 贫困户 + 产业」的精准扶贫发展模式,与村民、基地、合作社建立订单式生产关系,订单式、保护价收购果农的果品,提升了村民的致富信心和内生动力。同时,他积极建立「扶贫车间」,全力为贫困人口创设就业岗位,多方吸纳、安置贫困群众和农村剩余劳动力到企业务工。目前,企业年安置季节工和常年用工村民达 600 多人。

时至今日,刘志坤的山楂深加工产业成为集果脯、果糕、果汁研发、生产、销售于一体的、年产值过亿元的国家级林业龙头企业、省级农业产业化龙头企业。随着企业的不断发展,刘志坤将更多的精力投入到对社会的回馈上。几年来,他先后投入各类扶贫资金和向社会捐赠资金达 400 余万元,累计直接受益贫困群众 4719 人,稳步带动 3000 余户贫困群众实现增收脱贫。同时,他以产业项目资金分红的方式为扶贫村、户提供增收来源,巩固提升脱贫成果,实现稳定增收。刘志坤说,山楂树上有着他和乡亲们的梦想,他要和乡亲们一起努力呵护,让它长成山乡富裕的大产业。



63-year-old Liu Zhikun is an old CPC member of over 40 years’standing in Cuijiazhuang Village, Zibo City, Shandong Province. In 1983, after leaving the army and returning to the village, Liu Zhikun in the prime of life found that for the hawthorn planting industry—one of villagers’ important sources of income, picked fruits were unmarketable and rotted too quickly due to obstructed connections with market needs and other reasons. Considering the plight of fruit growers, after many investigations, Liu Zhikun decided to develop the intensive processing of fruits to solve their difficulty in sales. In those years, under the overall planning by the village party branch and the village committee, Cuijiazhuang Village established intensive haw processing enterprises concerning preserved haws, canned haws, and haw compotes, which not only brought stable sales for the haws in the village, but also boosted villagers’ employment through haw processing.

Over the years, while developing his enterprise, Liu Zhikun has been leading villagers to seek common prosperity in reliance upon the industry. In the process of advancing targeted poverty alleviation, Liu Zhikun has established MTO (make-toorder) relations with villagers, bases and cooperatives, and purchased fruit from growers at a protected price in an order-based form, thereby enhancing villagers’ confidence in acquiring wealth and internal driving forces. Meanwhile, he actively built“Workshops for Poverty Alleviation”. So far, his enterprise could employ more than 600 villagers as seasonal workers and permanent workers every year.

Today, Liu Zhikun’s intensive haw processing industry has become a national leading forestry enterprise and a provincial leading enterprise of agricultural industrialization integrating the R & D, production and sales of preserved fruit, fruitcakes and juice, with an annual output value exceeding RMB 100 million. Moreover, Liu Zhikun’s contribution to society is growing with his enterprise.

作者 赵东山 陈明