


到了近代,济南的教育体制基本完善。至 20 世纪 20 年代初,政府兴办的学校种类齐全,从幼儿园到小学、中学,再到高等和师范教育都已齐备。各类职业和中等专业学校也都相继建立起来。

教育是民族振兴的基石。1949 年之后,尤其是改革开放后,济南教育事业蓬勃发展起来。特别是基础教育,进入了发展的快车道。进入新时代,济南着力办好人民满意的教育,写下浓墨重彩的精彩之笔,人民群众的教育获得感和幸福感不断增强。

近年来,济南市大力发展有温度有品质的教育,真正让所有身处济南的学生们,在越来越有温度的教育巾收获知识与温暖,在更好的学习环境巾增进对品质教育的体验。「十三五」期间,济南市共提供资助金 18.1 亿元,实现了不让一名学生因家庭困难失学;71.9 万名学生受益「食堂 + 配餐」和「课后延时服务」;普惠性幼儿园覆盖率达 87%,义务教育实现「零择校」「零择班」;聚焦「大班额」破解「人园难」等问题,56 人以上大班成为历史;2017 年以来新建改扩建中小学幼儿园 500 余所,建设总量领跑全国……一串串数字勾勒出济南市发展有温度有品质教育的美丽侧影。


J'inan has a rich history of education. In the early Qin Dynasty, Jinan, located at the meeting place of Qi and Lu,was influenced by the "teaching without discrimination" principle of the Confucian private schools and the thickacademic atmosphere of Jixia Palace of Classical Learning. Jinan's government and private schools had thrived since

built up different levels of education from the Qin and Han dynasties onwards. Outstanding people coming forth inlarge numbers is intrinsically linked to the prosperity of Jinan's education in ancient times.

Jinan's education system was largely complete in modern times. By the early 1920s, Jinan had a full range ofgovernment-established schools, covering kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and schools of higher andteacher-training education. Vocational and secondary specialized schools were established gradually.

Education is the cornerstone of national retaliation. After 1949, education in Jinan has flourished especially thanksto the reform and opening up. Basic education, in particular, has entered the fast lane of development. Ushering in anew era, Jinan has made unremitting efforts to provide satisfactory education, resulting in more enhanced sense of gainand happiness for the people.

In recent years, Jinan has been committed to educational development featured with warmth and quality, offeringthoughtful approaches for students to gain knowledge, giving students a better learning experience in an improvedenvironment for all-round education. A series of figures suggest that the magnificent achievements in education havebeen made in Jinan.

It's warm to receive education in Jinan. The teachers nurture their students with love and passion, the schoolshave made continuous improvement of hardware environment and campus culture so that the students can focus onstudy, and the policies for the convenience and benefit of the people are put forward to secure a stable educationalenvironment.

作者 方鸿