


春节前夕,济南市便向广大市民游客接连送出新春旅游「大礼包」:除全市 12 家国有 A 级景区首道门票免费外,济南还开展文化和旅游消费季,特色景区投放特价折扣门票,无需领票优惠直减;春节期间发放文旅惠民消费券 500 万元,1 月 21 日起领取……一系列真金白银的实惠举措体现了济南满满的惠民诚意。

随着「2023 泉城新春贺年会」的开启,新春民俗、冰雪旅游、乡村过年、文博展览、文艺演出等五大系列 200 多项活动,让济南的市民游客应接不暇。共生世界——2022 济南国际双年展、「片刻千载」——甲骨文化展、「玉兔迎春」济南市新春非遗展、现代黑陶艺术精品展等多个主题展览,满足了市民在春节期间的精神文化需求;济南市 2023 年「泉润非遗文化进万家——视频直播家乡年」活动、乐兔呈祥——济南市博物馆新春游园会、「我们的中国梦——文化进万家」系列展示、槐图第十一届民俗文化节等各具特色的文化活动,让市民度过一个欢乐祥和的新春佳节。

卯兔迎新春,好剧看不停。济南市属国有文艺院团、市美术馆等多家演出单位纷纷遴选经典剧目、举办特色画展,为泉城市民打包一份诚意满满的「文化盛宴」;1 月 22 日—28 日,济南市京剧院在北洋大戏院举办「戏聚周末?冬越泉城」济南市戏曲惠民演出季京剧专场及「2023 年新春京剧演唱会」;济南市吕剧院先后在市文化馆、北洋大戏院、山东省会大剧院演艺厅等地上演传统吕剧经典剧目;济南市杂技团精心打造的好客山东年《魔法世界》登陆山东省会大剧院;济南市歌舞剧院在济南龙湖天街举办元宵节器乐演出,与市民一起共庆佳节;由济南市儿童艺术剧院倾力打造的创新融合剧、国家艺术基金舞台创作资助项目——《老鼠嫁女》,于 1 月 26 日、27 日在山东省会大剧院隆重登场……


To visit temple fairs, appreciate folk customs, watch lanterns and eat delicious foods, there are lots of activities to do in Jinan across the festive period. Events for the upcoming Year of the Rabbit have been launched in Jinan to give residents and visitors a sense of ritual to celebrate a wonderful Chinese New Year.

On the eve of the Chinese New Year, Jinan dispatched a series of Chinese New Year tourism “gift packages” to residents and tourists, projecting a warmth and sincerity of bringing real benefits to the people. With the “2023 Spring Festival Celebration” opening, more than 200 activities of five series, including Chinese New Year folklore, ice and snow tourism, rural festival celebration, cultural exhibitions, and cultural performances, were rolling out to add fun to festive occasions. Amid a festive atmosphere, people in the city of springs enjoyed a happy Chinese New Year and a happy “Year of Chinese Culture”.

作者 诸葛