

「访问山东,对我来说,实在是一程文化甘旅。」着名诗人余光中 2001 年来到山东,带着妻女造访黄河,回家后把鞋子上的湿泥刮下来,「珍藏在一只名片盒里。从此每到深夜,书房里就传出隐隐的水声。」此行余光中创作了两万余字的《山东甘旅》,也是他最长的散文作品。



齐鲁大地文脉绵长,根深叶茂。这片土地上的优秀传统文化,兴于制礼作乐、「郁郁乎文」的西周,成于删述六经、设教杏坛的春秋,盛于稷下学宫、百家争鸣的战国,传于一统六合、「独尊儒术」的秦汉,赓续于魏晋隋唐、宋元明清的后世。早在 2600 年前,被誉为春秋第一相的齐国宰相管仲就提出了「以人为本」的理念。2500 年前,孔子提出了「仁者爱人」「有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎」的理念,后来孟子又加以丰富。两千多年来,「好客山东」文化已经沉淀为热情豪爽的山东人性格,凝练成「仁者爱人」的「山东精神」,演变为知行合一的山东民俗,更多地积淀到山东人的为人、处事和行为规范中。


对于热爱名山大川的诗人来说,山东的自然景观不胜枚举。在国家旅游资源标准分类的八大类 155 种基本景观中,山东拥有其中 153 种,唯缺皇宫、雪山两种。在这里,有秦始皇封禅、李白杜甫赋诗的「中华第一山」泰山,有充满神话传说的「海上名山第一」崂山,也有「中国第五大地貌」岱崮地貌,「会当凌绝顶,一览众山小」充满着齐鲁山川的豪情。


山东不仅山川雄伟奇绝,水系也是冠绝。在山东,黄河穿流西东,奔腾入海,绘就黄蓝交汇的自然奇观;大运河贯通南北,碧水静流,映照古往今来的繁华盛景;3345 公里长的海岸线,蜿蜒曲折,勾勒大海与陆地交接的天然轮廓,留下巍巍蓬莱阁与「八仙过海」的仙境传说;北方最大淡水湖微山湖,水光潋滟,一碧万顷;泉城济南遍布 1209 处泉水、950 处名泉,水涌若轮、泉甲天下。



All Fine Views amid Mountains and Seas

With a long history and profound culture, Shandong is a wellknown “Sacred Land of Culture”. It is one of the important cradles of the Chinese civilization, where the Houli culture, the Beixin culture, the Dawenkou culture and the Longshan culture constitute the main body of the early Chinese civilization. It is the birthplace of the Confucian culture, where the Qilu culture, the Dongyi culture and the Haidai culture added radiance to one another; where numerous sages like the “First Sage” Confucius, the “Second Sage”Mencius, the “Sage of Military Tactics” Sun Tzu, the “Sage of Science”Mozi, and the “Sage of Crafts” Lu Ban were born.

With a history of over five millennia, Qufu was the hometown of Confucius, where Confucius gave lectures and initiated the Confucian culture; where his descendants lived and multiplied to pass down Confucian culture and philosophy. The long history and the splendid culture have left behind a resplendent cultural heritage in Qufu.

Of the 155 types of landscapes in the national tourism standard, 153 types are in Shandong, lacking only imperial palaces and snowcapped mountains. It contains“China’s Top 1 Mountain” Mount Tai, where the First Emperor of Qin performed the rites of worshipping Heaven and Earth, Li Bai and Du Fu wrote poems; the “First Mountain on the Sea” Laoshan Mountain, which is filled with myths and legends; and “China’s Fifth Landform” Daigu Landform. The verses “Try to ascend the mountain’s crest. It dwarfs all peaks under our feet.” reveal the loftiness of the mountains in Shandong.

From the Glazed Archway by the Daming Lake to the red tiles and stone walls in Badaguan, from Ruifuxiang at Zhoucun Old Street to consulates and foreign firms in Yantaishan, from the radiant splendor of the Weifang International Kite Festival to the solemnity of the Qufu Confucius Worship Ceremony, from the poetic and pictorial splendor of the Weishan Lake to the mightiness and magnificence of the Yellow River Estuary... The nature and culture tour in “Friendly Shandong” will be certainly not a waste of time for you.

作者 穆清