

乌镇是首批中国历史文化名镇,拥有 1300 年建镇史,隶属于浙江省嘉兴市桐乡市,地处江浙沪「金三角」之地,河流纵横交织,京杭大运河依镇而过。十字形的内河水系把乌镇一分为四,当地人将四个区块分别称之为「东栅、南栅、西栅、北栅」。其中,东、西两栅被开发为旅游景点,也最为游客熟知。


东栅是电视剧《似水年华》的主要取景地,以河成街,街桥相连,水乡风貌完整。在东栅,可以看到江南古镇的所有精华,各种建筑、厅堂、水阁、廊棚等一应俱全,手工作坊和传统商铺各具特色,特色展品琳琅满目。若有兴趣,可以驻足观赏民俗表演,商铺区的拳船、财神湾的高竿船、戏台上的花鼓戏,还有翰林第中的皮影戏,都是乌镇传统民俗的生动写照。东栅的老街上有众多的老建筑,其中最为着名的便是茅盾故居。乌镇是文学巨匠茅盾的故乡,他自 1896 年诞生至 1909 年离乡求学,在这幢故居中生活了 13 个春秋。如今,很多游客慕名而来,瞻仰先贤的同时,也在寻找《春蚕》《秋收》《林家铺子》中的生活片断,仿佛时光倒流回旧日里的江南水乡……

西栅由 12 个碧水环绕的小岛组成,60 多座小桥将这些小岛串连在一起,老建筑依水而建,是典型的小桥流水景致。西栅虽与东栅同为主要景区,但这里没有东栅的繁闹市井,一切都经过重新整修和设计,街头巷尾的咖啡馆、酒吧,充满了文艺情怀。白天逛完西栅,千万不要着急离开,因为待到华灯初上,才是这里最动人时刻的开始。乘摇橹船夜游西栅是非常值得推荐的体验,置身光影交叠中才会发现,原来白天婉约的江南水乡,灯影桨声里竟如此璀璨夺目、分外迷人。



Waterside Town Wuzhen

Wuzhen, as one of China’s first batch of famous historical and cultural towns, with a history of 1,300 years as a town, is under the jurisdiction of Tongxiang City, Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province, and located in the“Golden Delta” of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. There is an intertwined river network in the town, where the Grand Canal flows. The cross-shaped inland water system divides Wuzhen into four parts, which are respectively known as “East Gate, South Gate, West Gate, and North Gate” to the natives. Among them, the East and West Gates have been developed into scenic spots, and are best known to tourists.

In the East Gate, you can see the essence of an ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River. There are all sorts of buildings, halls, waterside pavilions and corridors, distinctive manual workshops and traditional shops, as well as a great variety of characteristic exhibits. On the old street of the East Gate, there are numerous old buildings, among which, the Former Residence of Mao Dun is the most famous.

The West Gate consists of 12 islands which are surrounded by clear water and linked by more than 60 small bridges. There are old buildings built by water. All these present a typical view of small bridges over flowing water. When the evening lights are lit, you will enjoy the most impressive moment in the West Gate. A night tour on a boat in the West Gate is highly recommended. In the overlap of lights and shadows, you will find that the waterside town that is graceful and restrained in the daytime appears so dazzling and enchanting amid the sound of paddling.

Wuzhen has not only glamorous scenery, but also an attractive worldly atmosphere, which is simple yet vivid. “Time was slow in the past, and remains slow at present. Carriages, horses, and mails could not reach it quickly” That leisurely Wuzhen in the eyes of poet Mu Xin is still traceable. Unlike the West and East Gates, the old buildings, streets and bridges in the South and North Gates still maintain their original look. Like unadorned country girls, they show their simplicity and naturalness, which have a more lingering charm.

作者 郭晓娟