



这份「湿意」在文人的笔下。济南的北郊曾是一片水乡,不断见诸文人笔下,直到近代,季羡林回忆起 20 世纪 20 年代的北郊,仍是「到处荷塘密布,碧波潋滟」;臧克家则描述为「绿树清流,稻田藕花」。荷塘、藕花、稻田,成片的湿地风景正应了李清照那句:「兴尽晚回舟,误入藕花深处,争渡,争渡,惊起一滩鸥鹭。」

这份「湿意」也有数据支撑。目前,全市已建成湿地公园 23 处,其中国家级湿地公园 5 处。



2021 年 2 月 2 日是第 25 个「世界湿地日」,主题「湿地与水」,突出水、湿地和人类之间「同生命、互相依」的关系。人类离不开湿地,生活需要「湿意」,我们热爱着、歌咏着、珍惜着每一片湿地。


As the city of springs, Jinan boasts abundant water resources such as spring, waterway and natural wetland. Jinan is brimming with poetic charm and cosy atmosphere because of the fine view of wetlands.

In the masterpiece “Autumn Colors on the Que and Hua Mountains”, rafts and fishing boats went gliding past, conveying a water-town landscape in terms of a classical elegance.

According to statistics, Jinan has established 23 wetland parks at different levels, including 5 national wetland parks.

Wetlands, known as “kidneys of the earth”, are of great significance to Jinan for the construction of water ecological civilization, and have been a highlight of the city’s spectacular scenic beauty.

February 2, 2021 marks the 25th anniversary of World Wetlands Day. The theme for World Wetlands Day this year is “Wetlands and Water”, which emphasizes that wetlands and people are interdependent. It encourages actions to cherish, protect and restore wetlands since they are deemed integral to the well-being of the planet.

作者 丁宁