


在历下,年味藏在街头巷尾的大红灯笼中。19 条主次干道、1 万余个大红灯笼将历下新春氛围拉到「满格」。护城河、趵突泉、千佛山、大明湖……火红的颜色为静谧的冬日增添了一抹靓丽,宣告着新春的到来;屋檐边、高楼上、湖水畔……高悬的灯笼妆点了历下的角角落落,勾勒出一幅新春画卷;夜幕降临,一盏盏灯笼次第亮起,红的明亮热烈,红的暖人心弦,波光粼粼的湖水伴着微寒的春风,传递出新春的信号。


在历下,年味藏在热闹非凡的旅游景点中。新春佳节,各大景区张灯结彩,烘托出春节特有的喜庆气氛。天下第一泉景区挂起了 2 万多盏红灯笼,将公园点缀得喜气洋洋。大明湖盆景园举办的迎新春水仙展集中展示了济南本土的水仙花雕刻技艺,为游客提供了一场富含知识性、体验性、实用性、欣赏性的视觉盛宴。百花洲传统工艺工作站开展「就地过年——非遗有好礼」等丰富多彩的春节文化旅游活动让人流连忘返。丰富多彩的新春特别活动吸引众多游客到此一游。


Chinese people have an emotional attachment to the Spring Festival, who are busy worshiping the Kitchen God, sweeping out the old, and pasting papercuts to windows in preparation for the coming year. Holiday decorations were installed all over the streets and lane in Lixia district, creating a general air of festivity. More than 10000 red lanterns along 19 major and minor roads became a highlight of the festivities. Scenic spots such as the City Moat, Baotu Spring, Thousand-Buddha Mountain and Daming Lake pulsed with excitement with the hanging lanterns, showing an energetic image in tranquil winter days. Under the eaves, on the high buildings, by the lake, red lanterns built up a fascinating picture of the lunar new year. All corners of the district basked in the glow of red lanterns as the night closed in, bringing the joy and happiness of the new year to the masses.

作者 缇娜