
在烟台「耕海 1 号」海洋牧场综合体平台,工作人员将一批斑石鲷倒入运鱼船。On the platform of the 「Genghai No. 1」 marine ranching complex in Yantai, the workers are pouring a batch of porphyra into the fish transport boat.



然而,让人意想不到的是,过去十年,南隍城岛发生了翻天覆地的变化,摆脱过往生活的方式也不再仅限于离开。在南隍城岛海域,由中集来福士打造的亚洲最大的首批量产型深海智能网箱平台——「经海 001—004 号」,宛如一个个「海中城堡」,囤起一座座「蓝色粮仓」。肖波的儿子也回岛当了「经海 001 号」的「渔民」,更多的年轻人则来到这里成为「新渔民」。

「经海 001 号」,这个长宽皆为 68 米、深 40 米、有效养殖容积达 7 万立方米的庞然大物,单体网箱年产渔获 600 吨以上,填补了中国在 30 米水深养殖水域坐底式网箱养殖的空白。

「传统近海养殖需要开船到养殖区人工喂养,深远海养殖实现了自动化和智能化。」烟台经海海洋渔业有限公司工作人员纪翔介绍说,「经海 001 号」平台上搭载了 5G 通信以及水下生物识别、环境监测等设备,实现了水下全方位、综合性、实时的可视、可控和可预警。

在这片海域,同样实现智能化的还有中国首座坐底式深远海智能化海珍品养殖网箱——「国鲍一号」养殖平台。「附近海域浮游生物十分丰富,加之投喂野生海草为饲料,产出的鲍鱼『类野生』,市场价值较高。」南隍城乡党委书记刘国明说,「国鲍一号」可放置 37800 个海珍品养殖笼,鲍鱼年产量最高可达 120 吨,年纯收入 1500 万元,村集体和老百姓都能受益。刘国明算了一笔账:「这个 1200 多平方米的养殖平台的产量,相当于过去上万亩海域的鲍鱼产量,不仅节省了人力、物力,还节省了大量海域,综合效益提升了 10 多倍。」





「国鲍一号」养殖平台是中国首座坐底式深远海智能化海珍品养殖网箱。The 「Guobao No. 1」 breeding platform is China’s first bottom-mounted deep-sea intelligent marine treasure breeding cage.

烟台养马岛附近海域的东宇海洋牧场是潜水爱好者的青睐之地。清澈的水质、近 20 米的水下能见度和多种多样的生物,吸引他们远道而来。「良好的潜水条件,得益于海洋牧场相关设施对水质环境的『重塑』。」东宇海珍品有限公司法人李效平说。东宇海洋牧场连续 12 年向海底投石深海造礁,建造了天然的「海底牧场」。大量人工鱼礁的投放,让附近的生物多样性迅速增加,游客在此潜水也有了更多乐趣。

此外,为了做好传统渔业「减法」和海洋生态修复「加法」,烟台市近几年共腾退、拆除非法和不符合分区管控的近岸筏式养殖区 12 万亩,协同推进投礁型、底播型、田园型、装备型、游钓型 5 大类海洋牧场建设,大规模实施近岸经济型人工鱼礁建设工程,加大增殖放流力度,海洋牧场生物资源明显增加。数据显示,烟台市每年增殖放流各类水产苗种 10 亿单位以上,示范推广海洋牧场鱼、贝、藻、参绿色生态养殖 20 万亩,海洋牧场和周边海洋生态环境显着改善。




2022 年 11 月 25 日,距离烟台莱州市西侧海岸线 12 公里外的海域上,百米高风机一字排开。随着叶片徐徐转动,一缕缕海风转化为绿色电能送入电网,全国首个海上风电与海洋牧场融合发展研究试验项目——莱州市海上风电与海洋牧场融合发展研究试验项目首批机组顺利并网发电。

莱州市海上风电与海洋牧场融合发展研究试验项目位于莱州市西侧国家级海洋牧场示范海域,规划装机容量 304 兆瓦,共建设 38 台单机容量 8.0 兆瓦风力发电机组。从开工到发电,项目仅用时 4 个月,创下海上风电行业建设速度新纪录。

在东宇国家级海洋牧场,游客乘船前往自升式多功能海洋牧场平台。At Dongyu National Marine Ranch, tourists take a boat to the self-elevating multifunctional marine ranching platform.

该项目实现全部机组全容量并网发电后,年上网电量可达 10 亿千瓦时,与常规燃煤火电机组相比,每年可节约标煤约 30 万吨,相应可减少二氧化碳排放量约 78 万吨、二氧化硫排放量约 5700 吨、氮氧化物排放量约 8500 吨。莱州市土山镇北部区域将率先实现全绿色电能供电,打造新型电力系统县级示范典型样板。

同时,项目将进行「深水网箱 + 海上风电」「深远海养殖 + 休闲海钓」及海洋牧场、深远海养殖渔场与海上风电融合发展模式的试点,通过立体式开发达到海域使用的最大限度,实现集中集约用海,为山东乃至全国提供可复制、可推广的海上风电发展新思路,切实有效助力「双碳」目标实现。

通过生态治理修复,烟台海域斑海豹数量明显增多。Through ecological management and restoration, the number of spotted seals in Yantai waters has increased significantly.

Pastures on the Sea

In recent years, a number of modern marine ranches have sprung up in the vast sea area of Yantai. Yantai, which is born and prospered by the sea, aims to build a major marine economy city. Regarding the construction of marine ranching as an important starting point to promote industrial transformation and upgrading, Yantai has taken a new step towards the deep blue sea. Up to now, Yantai has built 43 marine ranching demonstration areas above the provincial level. The total area of marine ranches in the city has reached 91,333 hectares. The number of national-level marine ranch demonstration areas and the total area of marine ranch rank the top place nationwide.

In the waters of Nanhuangcheng Island in Yantai, the breeding platforms of “Jinghai No. 001-004” and “Guobao No. 1” are like “castles in the sea”, which stocking up “blue granaries”. Relying on the “Genghai No. 1” and other marine ranching platforms, Yantai has deeply integrated aquaculture and intensive processing with tourism, culture, and health care, thus accelerating the transformation of marine fishery from a single industry to the integrated development of the entire industrial chain.

While modern marine ranching makes the deep sea a “good land”, its ecological benefits are even more impressive. Different from the traditional sea farms, modern marine ranches can realize the restoration and optimization of marine ecological environment as well as the conservation and proliferation of biological resources, which is equivalent to building an “ecological bank” for the ocean.

As the exploitation of fossil energy is approaching its limit, it has become a global consensus to accelerate the development of low-carbon energy. On November 25, the first batch of units of the integrated development research and test project of Laizhou offshore wind power and marine ranching, which is China’s first national offshore wind power and marine ranch integrated development research and test project, were successfully connected to the grid for power generation. Through three-dimensional development, the project maximizes the use of sea areas, realizes intensive use of the sea, and provides Shandong and even the whole country with new ideas for the development of offshore wind power that can be replicated and promoted, thus effectively helping the realization of the “double carbon” goal.

作者 一卓