

4 月,因新冠肺炎疫情原因,济南市部分区域根据需求开展多轮核酸检测,所有完成检测的市民均可以得到一张核酸检测贴纸,一时间,晒各种特色贴纸成为「潮流」。其中,一组以扁鹊、辛弃疾和秦琼为主角的核酸检测贴纸刷爆了济南人的朋友圈。


核酸检测贴纸走红,使得丁姣走进了大众的视线,她脸上灿烂的微笑总能给人们留下深刻的印象。殊不知,这位开朗的「90 后」姑娘也有着一段痛苦的经历。丁姣 2 岁时查出嵴髓血管瘤,当时手术风险非常大,如果手术失败,就会永远站不起来。凭借自己顽强的毅力和家人的悉心照料,历经多次手术和多年艰苦的康复训练,她创造了能够独立行走的「医学奇迹」:不仅站了起来,还学会了骑自行车。


其实,早在 2021 东京残奥会期间,丁姣就受到过公众的关注。丁姣用一个多月的时间,加班加点为中国残奥会金牌健儿绘制漫像,最后导致右手肌肉韧带拉伤。她忍着伤痛,坚持画完了 96 幅,赢得了很多残奥会运动员的收藏和点赞,作品点击量逾亿次。2022 年,丁姣又收到了国际残疾人奥林匹克委员会的邀请函,邀请她为北京冬残奥会绘制系列主题漫画作品。丁姣用自己的画笔,传递出残疾人运动员自强不息的精神,弘扬了社会的大爱和正能量,赢得了外界的广泛赞誉。

为了帮助更多残疾人在文创领域实现高质量就业和创业,公司发起成立了「荔枝花开」公益助残品牌。丁姣主动请缨,申请成立世博动漫「荔枝花开」志愿服务队,承担残疾人就业公益培训部分教学任务。她放弃周末休息时间,坚持为残障学员开展漫画教学,并编写专门的教学课件和教材,帮助 10 余名学员走上了工作岗位。2017 年底,丁姣承担的「荔枝花开」残疾人就业培训志愿服务项目被中共济南市委宣传部、济南市文明办等 11 个部门联合评为最佳志愿服务项目。

虽生而不同,却一样可以了不起。在工作中,丁姣克服常人难以想象的困难,立足本职岗位,扎根创作一线,创作出大量优秀漫画作品,多次在国内外大赛中获奖。目前,丁姣已经是山东省青年美术家协会会员、山东省漫画家协会会员,2020 年被聘为济南市残疾人文学艺术界联合会槐荫分会美术家协会副主席,充分彰显了当代青年力量。


Marvelous Brush

In April, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, some parts of Jinan had to carry out multiple rounds of nucleic acid testing. Any citizen who has completed nucleic acid tests would receive a nucleic acid test sticker. Then, posting all kinds of characteristic stickers came into“fashion”. Among them, a group of nucleic acid test stickers featuring Bian Que, Xin Qiji and Qin Qiong caused a sensation on the WeChat Moments of the people of Jinan.

The creator Ding Jiao was glad to see her designed cartoon images enjoying popularity among the public. Ding Jiao is a professional cartoonist of Shandong Expo Huachuang Anime Media Co., Ltd. She was diagnosed with spinal angioma at the age of two. With tenacious perseverance and her family’s care, she created a “medical miracle” by walking independently after undergoing much surgery and years of arduous rehabilitation training.

Because of her physical disability, painting became a way for her to express herself to the outside world. From learning to draw by watching the children’s channel at the age of four or five, to studying systematically after becoming an art student in the second year of high school, and then to successfully entering college and the workplace, Ding Jiao feels lucky to be able to turn her hobby into a profession, and cherishes everything she has.

To help more disabled persons to achieve high-quality employment and self-employment in the culture& creativity field, her company initiated a public service brand“Blooming Litchi” aimed at helping the disabled. Ding Jiao volunteered to apply for establishing the Expo Anime “Blooming Litchi” Voluntary Service Team, and helped more than 10 trainees to find a job.

Ding Jiao has painted her love for life and perseverance in life with her brush. She said that in this wonderful era, she was confident of portraying the better life with her brush and narrating the inspirational stories of the disabled by use of comics, and would live up to the kindness and support of the Party committee, the government and all sectors of society.

作者 肖寒