

好人就在身边,模范就在眼前。近日,2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范发布仪式暨颁奖典礼举行,揭晓 2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范,11 名个人和 1 个团队获表扬。中共青岛市委常委、宣传部部长刘升勤,青岛市人大常委会副主任韩守信,青岛市政协副主席陈大维出席颁奖典礼。

按照从严把关、优中选优原则,经过严格规范的评选程序,青岛市公安局市北分局兴隆路派出所社区民警马怀龙、青岛真情巴士集团公交驾驶员于义睦、胶州市税务局组织人事科四级高级主办徐云功、莱西市院上镇朱东新村村民李士存、某部军人周臣、平度市大泽山镇三山东头村村民刘元九、青岛城运控股公交集团李沧巴士公司驾驶员董述飞、青岛大学附属医院心血管外二科主任刘高利、中交一航局第二工程有限公司船长刘建港、崂山区北宅街道燕石村居民乔元敏、城阳区红岛街道前韩社区居民张茂花荣获 2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范称号;「竞展青春」青年志愿者团队荣获 2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范团队称号。王俊霞、傅玉娟、翟元敏、周思奇、于丹、王京京、刘大海、汪传生、刘翠华、张婷荣获 2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范提名奖;「煤改气」能源绿色转型团队荣获 2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范团队提名奖。

在这串熠熠闪光的名单中,有用 46 把钥匙串起爱民「连心门」的基层民警,有播撒文明火种带动一城好人共生的好司机,有两度入海舍命勇救落水母女的平民英雄,有 41 年家国一诺将农民账本化为「国家记忆」的诚信典型,有 45 年无怨无悔照顾卧床大伯哥的好弟媳……他们以平凡的善举书写不凡的感动,让精神的力量处处闪耀。

据介绍,获得 2023 年度「感动青岛」道德模范以及提名奖的个人和团队事迹,都将被存入青岛市档案馆,成为这座城市永久的记忆。

2023 “Touching Qingdao” Ethical Role Models Announced

Kind-hearted people are among us, and role models are within reach. Recently, the Award Ceremony for 2023“To u c h i n g Q i n g d a o” E t h i c a l R o l e Model was held. 11 individuals and one team were commended as the Role Models. Liu Shengqin, member of the Standing Committee of and Head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee, Han Shouxin, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao Municipal People’s Congress, and Chen Dawei, Deputy Chairman of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, attended the award ceremony.

It is reported that the feats of all individuals and teams honored with the Awards, and of those nominated for the Awards, will be documented in the Qingdao Municipal Archives, becoming a permanent memory of this city.

作者 魏浩浩