







皑皑白雪妆点着万物,是烟台冬日独有的浪漫诗意。 图/李洪业 As a decoration for everything, pure white snow adds unique poetic romance to the winter in Yantai.

Yantai is always known as the “Snow Nest.”

Whenever snowflakes fall, Yantai, the fairyland on the earth, appears more poetic and picturesque.

Snow, a symbol of purity and romance, is what people expect throughout four seasons. Between the vast heaven and earth, the fairyland and white snow meet affectionately to express their emotions.

The scene of flying snow is the most beautiful embellishment for the winter in Yantai. Like flowers, snow dances freely between heaven and earth, covering dry boughs and blurring soaring eaves. Like a fairy descending into the mundane world, white snow brings to people a pleasant surprise and good expectation of a bumper year following the snowfall.

Listen, the snowflakes fall into the embrace of the land and extend to it the greetings of the winter.

Behold, the land is coated with white snow, which reveals the essence of a beautiful winter.

今年入冬以来,二十多只疣鼻天鹅出现在牟平区的沿海湿地中,时而遨翔盘旋,时而觅食戏水,成为一道靓丽的风景线。 图/小草 Since the beginning of winter this year, over 20 mute swans appear in the coastal wetland in Muping District. Soaring and hovering or foraging and frolicking in the water at times, they become a beautiful landscape.

作者 栾悦