芝罘岛 中国最大的陆连岛


芝罘岛横亘于烟台市区北部的海面上,又称芝罘山,主峰高 298 米,东西长约 9000 米,是三面环海一径南通的陆连岛。


芝罘岛是中国漫长海岸线上众多岛屿之中一个最为典型和着名的陆连岛。连岛沙坝共有 4 条,海拔高度约三四米,长达 6000 米,宽有 500-800 米。芝罘岛有着悠久、深厚的历史沉淀,具有十分重要的历史文化意义。早在春秋战国时期,转附(芝罘)就与碣石、句章、琅玡、会稽被称为五大港口,齐景公曾来此游览,欣赏这里的景色。据《史记》记载,秦始皇于公元前 221 年统一中国后,曾三次东巡登芝罘,留下许多珍贵的史料。到汉晋时代,这里成为中国北方最大口岸。唐以后,芝罘一直属于中国重要海口,烟台开埠以后,芝罘与海外的交往更加频繁。

芝罘岛是烟台重要的渔业基地、航运基地、造船工业基地。创下多项世界之最的「蓝鲸 1 号」钻井平台,从这里驶向南海。

Lying on the sea surface in the north of Yantai City, Zhifu Island is also called Zhifu Mountain. Running as long as 9 kilometers from east to west with the peak as high as 298 meters, it is a land-tied island surrounded by the sea in three directions and the land in the south.

Thousands of years ago, Zhifu Island is an offshore island lying in the sea off the coast of Yantai. Thanks to the sand flow formed by nearby river alluvium and beach material in the coastal area in addition to the screening and concealing role of Zhifu Island, sand gradually accumulated here. By and by, it finally formed two sandbanks connecting Zhifu Island to the land. The sandbank is mainly composed of relatively thick gritty soil. In geomorphy, such a sandbank is called a land-tied sandbank and such an island is called a land-tied island.

作者 仙辑