


六月初,福山东厅栾家村的大樱桃正陆续成熟,村里家家户户都在忙碌着樱桃下树。栾家村位于门楼水库上游,村里 200 多户人家几乎家家种植樱桃,由于水源充足,这里的沙地樱桃品种多,口感极佳。


烟台大樱桃品牌日益叫响。2020 年,烟台大樱桃区域品牌价值达 53.72 亿元,今年 5 月,在第二届中国樱桃展会上,烟台大樱桃又成功入选「中国最受市场欢迎的樱桃区域公用品牌 20 强」。

150 年前,大樱桃由国外引种。作为「北方春果第一枝」,至今,烟台已成为国内栽培大樱桃最早、年产量最高、质量最优、商品率最大的地区,大樱桃种植面积占全国的 70%,产量占全国的 80% 以上,是着名的「中国大樱桃」之乡。



It is a new year with the red cherry. In the wild fields, rural villages and farmer’s markets, big cherries are as beautiful as cinnabar, reddening people’s cheeks and the fairyland of Yantai.

The brand of Yantai big cherries gets increasingly popular. The regional brand of Yantai big cherries values at 5.372 billion yuan in 2020. In May this year, Yantai big cherries were successfully selected among the Top 20 Regional Public Brands of Cherries Most Popular in the Market in China in the 2nd Chinese Cherry Exhibition.

The big cherry was introduced from abroad 150 years ago. It is the “first fruit in spring in the north.” So far, Yantai has become an area that plants the big cherry earliest with highest annual yield, best quality and biggest commodity rate in China. Its planting area of big cherries accounts for 70% of the national planting area and its yield takes up 80% of the national yield. Therefore, it becomes a famed hometown to Chinese big cherries.

作者 苏雨萌