



作为青岛市非物质文化遗产,泊里大集已有近 300 年的历史,几乎与泊里镇同时起源。这个青岛西海岸新区尚存的最古老也最大的集市,承载着时光,承载着生活,也承载着人们对美好生活的期盼和向往。

腊月里的泊里大集,格外红火。除了当地人前来置办年货,许多家住主城区的市民大清早地纷纷赶来,感受年的气息。3000 多个摊位几乎能够包揽所有需要置办的年货,从针头线脑到活鱼鲜花,吃的、穿的、用的琳琅满目。除了传统的福字、对联、年画等必不可少的年物,泊里特有的烧肉、烧鸡等当地特色美食也是炙手可热的年货。在嘈杂的吆喝声中喝一碗热气腾腾的「馇」;在姹紫嫣红中选一盆最应景的茶花;挑一把甜晒海米、抓两把硬糖、扛一卷泊里红席、捎两份年糕……迫不及待地赶来,满心欢喜地离开——这,就是腊月里泊里大集带给人们的乐趣:买什么不重要,重要的是这过程中的平凡朴实的快乐。

To enjoy the festivity of the New Year, how can we miss the fair

As an intangible cultural heritage of Qingdao, Poli Fair has a history of nearly 300 years, dating back to approximately the dawn of Poli Town. It is the oldest and largest market that still stands today in the West Coast New Area of Qingdao. Poli Fair bears the imprint of time and life and also carries people’s aspirations for a brighter future.

In the twelfth lunar month, Poli Fair is more bustling than usual. More than 3000 stalls can provide almost all the goods for the Spring Festival. People can’t wait to come and leave with sheer joy, the joy brought by Poli Fair before the Spring Festival. What you buy is not important. It’s the plain joy of walking around the fair that really matters.

作者 王欣