


自国家 2016 年提出发展特色小镇以来,各地相继出台政策、文件,为特色小镇的建设吹来缕缕春风。在国家政策红利与地方经济发展双背景的强力支撑下,山东各地立足特色资源禀赋,以特色挖掘为基础前提、以产业培育为核心支撑、以体制机制创新为重要手段、以宜居宜业宜游为主攻目标,打造了一批颇具「齐鲁风貌」的特色小镇,在推动经济转型升级和新型城镇化建设中发挥了重要作用。




Since the proposal of developing characteristic towns in 2016, all parts of China have issued policy documents to bring convenience to the construction of characteristic towns. Supported by the double backgrounds of national policies and local economic development, all parts of Shandong have built a batch of characteristic towns with the “style and features of Shandong” based on the advantage of characteristic resources, on the basic premise of characteristic exploration, under the core support of industry cultivation, by means of institutional innovation, with the main goal of livability, business friendliness and tourism friendliness, thereby playing a significant role in promoting economic transformation and upgrading and new-type urbanization.

From traditional manufacturing to smart manufacturing, the Yuhuangmiao Town of Glass, Shanghe, Jinan, has continued to develop in the agglomeration direction of characteristic industries; with the goal of building a world-leading equipment industry, the Qingdao Bullet Train Town has attracted the attention of the global rail transit industry; focusing on four leading industries concerning the smart industry, trade & logistics, healthcare& wellbeing, and culture & creativity, Huantai County, Zibo, has spread its fame by “data”... A variety of characteristic towns, e.g. the Airport Town, the Springs Town, the Cultural & Creative Town, the Painting & Calligraphy Town, and the Wellness Town, have sprung up on the land of Shandong like mushrooms after rain.

作者 本刊编辑部