



经过近 4 年的精心打磨,阿朵小镇已经开放和投入使用了阿朵农庄、云茗茶田、影视外景地、融爱家颐养社区、阿朵花街等配套产业,即将开业的业态还有宋品酒店、私汤温泉、阿朵花屿(民宿集群),再加上原来的滑雪场、萌宠乐园等设施,一个集田园、生态、度假、康养、旅居、影视旅游等于一体的高品位文旅小镇即将呈现。届时,阿朵小镇将成为中国文旅小镇的标杆、青岛文化旅游新名片。

Under the background of the natural landscapes and water resources of Cangma Mountain in Qingdao, China, Sunac Aduo Town has given rise to a beautiful and poetic life. It does not only embody the lifestyle of travel and residence, but also contains feelings and yearnings for poetry and distance.

Here is playing out the idyllic tranquility. In the Aduo Farm, a natural and organic ecological farm in Aduo Town, the residents of Aduo can experience the joy of growing and picking fruits and vegetables, and also find the happiness of good harvest amidst the fragrance of rice flowers.

作者 王一如