长岛显应宫 中国北方最早的妈祖庙


世界上有 5000 多座妈祖庙,长岛庙岛显应宫(妈祖庙)始建于北宋宣和四年(1122 年),是中国北方修建最早、规模最大、影响最广的妈祖庙,也是世界重要的妈祖官庙之一,享「天妃北庭」、「北海神乡」之誉。


显应宫亦称海神娘娘庙,位于长岛所辖庙岛东部,占地 90 多亩,因明崇祯皇帝御赐庙额「显应宫」而得名,清咸丰皇帝也曾御赐「神功济运」金匾。公元 1125 年,福建船民移送一尊妈祖铜像供奉于显应宫,这是目前存世的唯一一尊宋代铜身妈祖。




Mazu culture and belief has been handed down for a thousand years, which is best represented by Meizhou in the south and Changdao in the north. Mazu Temple in Changdao (Xianying Palace) and Mazu Temple in Meizhou Island, Fuzhou are called the“founding temples in the north and in the south” of Mazu.

Xianying Palace, also called the Temple of Goddess Sea, is situated in the east of Miaodao Island under the jurisdiction of Changdao and covers an area of over 90 mu (60 hectares). It derived its name from the tablet inscribed with “Xianying Palace” bestowed by Emperor Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty. Emperor Xianfeng also conferred a golden tablet inscribed with “Contribution of Magical Power to Transportation.” In 1125 boatmen in Fujian transferred a bronze statue of Mazu and worshipped it in Xianying Palace. This is the only bronze Mazu of the Song Dynasty extant in the world to date.

In the northern coastal area with Changdao in particular, Mazu culture has a lasting and profound influence in people’s minds. When people are caught in a storm or fall ill in their voyage, they will pray to Mazu and redeem their vows in Xianying Palace after they get out of danger by inscribing stone tablets and giving tablets, ship models, cloaks, clothes or money.

作者 仙辑