



老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼。工作时,张厚礼总会想起自己 70 多岁的老母亲。由爱生起责任,他把患者当家人,给予他们无微不至的照料。从刚开始护理时的一无所知,到后来自学中医针灸、推拿以及护理知识,多年来,张厚礼一直秉承爱岗敬业、细致入微的理念照顾病人。

3 年前,一位因车祸陷入昏迷状态的 58 岁病人,从北京转院到位于济南的山东中医药大学附属医院,张厚礼便开始参与病人的护理。由于病人昏迷无意识,无法表达自己的想法和诉求,与一般患者相比,张厚礼需要付出更多的心血和努力,保持 24 小时随时待命。由于病人无法翻身,长期卧床导致肺部供血不足,张厚礼需要不定时给病人按摩、扣背,一天扣背四五次,每次三四百下。为了避免病人痰淤,张厚礼一晚要起床四五次,为病人吸痰。




Zhang Houli is a nursing worker from the southern mountain area of Jinan. Before becoming a nursing worker, he worked as a construction worker, plumber, truck driver, and the like. Because of his aplastic anemia, as he grew older, he could not undertake too heavy physical work. By chance, he joined the nursing team.

Since being engaged in nursing, from knowing nothing about nursing to independently studying the knowledge of TCM acupuncture & moxibustion, massage and nursing, Zhang Houli has always been adhering to dedication and meticulousness in the process of nursing patients.

Three years ago, when a 58-year-old patient, who slipped into a coma after a traffic accident, was transferred from Beijing to the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of TCM, Jinan, Zhang Houli began participating in the nursing of this patient. The patient was unconscious and unable to express his ideas and demands. Zhang Houli had to put more effort into his nursing compared with that of ordinary patients, and needed to be on call 24 hours a day. Moreover, the patient was unable to turn over, and his longterm lying in bed caused a lack of pulmonary blood supply. Thus, Zhang Houli needed to give him massage and rub his back, four or five back rubs a day, three to four hundred moves each time. To avoid phlegm stasis, Zhang Houli had to get up four or five times each night to suck up phlegm for the patient.

Zhang Houli’s old mother suffers from rheumatic arthritis; his son and daughter are in school; moreover, he also needs to take medicine to ease his symptoms. For an ordinary person, all these are heavy burdens. However, Zhang Houli always laughs off such stress, and holds an optimistic attitude towards life. Speaking of his future plan, Zhang Houli said that he would adhere to his passion for nursing and original intention as always, and take care of more patients with sincerity and professional skills. For him, it is a pleasure to help others.

作者 杜厚平 李春明