

长岛生海参,其色如墨,其厚如掌,其韧如筋,其刺如齿,活脱脱一只暗含神力的无柄狼牙棒,乃世间之奇品珍宝。究其因,概上苍将一颗最大最美的珍珠安放在了北纬 37 度上。

长山列岛,这个「中国唯一的海岛国家地质公园、中国十大最美海岛」,32 座岛屿犹如 32 颗珍珠、32 匹烈马、32 艘战舰,静静地躺在万顷碧波的浪涛里,驰骋在迤逦辽阔的海疆上,自由地跨越黄渤海分界线那道砌了千万年的「门槛」,聆听那瞬间的跌宕起伏里从头顶上传来的神灵的梵音,就会扬起心如浪高的万丈豪情,执着坚毅而且勇勐。这个海上仙境、候鸟的驿站,清美脱俗,美若仙子,宛立在水中央;又若一支庞大的舰队,威武雄壮,远远地就让人敬仰;非泛舟荡船而不得入内,又似世外桃源,如天外来客。一滩一岸各不同,一礁一石有传说,一岛一屿皆风情。海参不是风情物,终被世人所折服,何也?





Fed on undersea algae and mayflies, this little guy with tentacles all over its body is far from being handsome, but it is among the Eight Treasures in the World, ranked with ginseng, the bird’s nest, and the shark’s fin. It contains unrivalled amino acid and multiple microelements, vitamins and bioactivators required by human bodies. Its warm nature nourishes the kidney and its effect rivals ginseng for both medicine and diet. Jiaodong has the saying about the nutrition of sea cucumbers that “having sea cucumbers from the beginning of the coldest period in winter for 81 days” since ancient times, which fully reveals how Jiaodong locals cherish and like sea cucumbers.

Chicken soup with sea cucumbers, braised sea cucumbers with scallions, stewed sea cucumbers with fish gelatin, egg soup with sea cucumbers, millet porridge with sea cucumbers or soaked sea cucumbers boiled or steamed directly and dipped with soy sauce. There is a variety of ways to cook sea cucumbers, of which braised sea cucumbers with scallions are typical in Jiaodong. When the white stalk and green leaves of Jiaodong scallions reveal before your eyes a tall and beautiful appearance and a fresh, spicy and sweet smell, your sense of smell and taste buds vie to start to work. Sections of scallion stalks and leaves are put into a heated pot with oil in it to be fried, added with garlic, ginger and dark soy sauce along with soaked sea cucumbers, stir-fried, added with some water, braised and wetted with starch until it gets thick. It is full of the fragrance of soy sauce and scallions and delicacy. The sea cucumbers are dazzling and coated with bright-colored sauce. The sections of scallions are wrapped by a golden cape like the elegant and fragrant concubine of Emperor Qianlong. It is as boundlessly beautiful as the romantic story of Cinderella and the prince.

作者 范雅琳