烟台市卫生健康委 均等普惠便捷,建设「健康烟台」!


「十四五」期间,全市卫生健康工作坚持推进卫生健康基本公共服务均等化、普惠化、便捷化,将健康融入所有政策,推进卫生健康服务体系建设,为人民群众提供全方位全周期健康服务。「十四五」末,人均预期寿命达到 81.5 岁左右,每千人口执业(助理)医师 3.85 人,每千人口拥有注册护士 3.96 人,每万人口全科医生数达到 3 人,每千人口三岁以下婴幼儿托位数 2.8 张。

「十四五」末,全市人均期望寿命提高 1 岁左右

2020 年 5 月份,烟台市卫健委着手编制《烟台市「十四五」卫生健康事业发展规划》以及《烟台市「十四五」深化医药卫生体制改革规划》等市级重点专项规划。对烟台市中医医院扩建、市妇幼保健综合楼建设、市奇山医院扩建和烟台卫生健康职业学院建设等重大工程项目进行梳理,纳入烟台市「十四五」重大建设项目。经过资料收集、情况调研,现已完成《烟台市「十四五」卫生健康事业发展规划》征求意见稿。

「十四五」时期,烟台将坚持预防为主的工作方针,突出抓好重点传染病、慢性病、精神疾病、职业病防控,遏制一批重点传染病传播,降低一批重点慢性病发病危害,巩固一批重点疾病防控成果,努力实现「十四五」末全市人均期望寿命提高 1 岁左右。



「十四五」末,全面建成专业化、现代化的三级疾病预防控制网络,二级以上公立医院 100% 设置公共卫生科。落实国家扩大免疫规划策略,提升免疫预防能力水平。深入实施尘肺病防治攻坚行动,加大职业健康监测和监管力度。弘扬伟大抗疫精神,营造尊医重卫的良好风尚。

「十四五」末,基层门诊量占全市的 50% 以上

「十四五」,烟台将全面建设整合型医疗卫生服务体系,优化医疗资源配置,推进医疗资源共享,扩大医疗服务供给。加强公立医院建设,扩大烟台市中医医院规模,实施奇山医院扩建工程,提升建设市妇幼保健院。完善分级诊疗体系,落实医疗机构公共卫生责任。加强医疗质量监管,完善纠纷调解机制,构建和谐医患关系。鼓励支持社会办医,落实非营利性社会办医院和公立医院同等待遇,支持社会办医院与公立医院开展医疗业务、学科建设、人才培养等合作。加强市、县、乡三级中医药服务体系和服务能力建设,推进中医药事业和产业高质量发展。加强乡镇卫生院和社区卫生服务机构建设,提升基层医疗卫生服务能力。「十四五」末,基层门诊量占全市门诊总量的 50% 以上。



「十四五」末,二级以上综合医院设老年医学科比例达到 85% 左右,二级以上中医医院设置康复科比例达到 100%。

The period of the 14th Five-Year Plan is crucial for Yantai to accumulate its strength and give full play to it by taking advantage of the trend. Various positive factors are agglomerating faster in the new march to build a modernized strong city in the new era.

By 2025 we will strive to attain a Gross Ocean Product of 250 billion yuan for the whole city that accounts for 25% of the Gross Domestic Product for the whole city and complete a national big firstclass city of marine economy.

We will ensure the foreign investment in actual use at over 12 billion yuan and the foreign import and export trade flow at over 400 billion yuan and make efforts to forge Yantai into an important bridgehead oriented toward Japan, the Republic of Korea and the Northeast Asia and connecting the Belt and Road areas as well as Europe and the USA.

A modernized comprehensive transportation system featuring “open and interconnected regional integration by sea, land and air” will be basically completed, shaping external traveling circles within one, two and three hours with cities in the Jiaodong Economic Circle within one hour, Jinan, capital of Shandong Province, within two hours and major cities such as Beijing, Tianjin and those in Hebei Province within three hours nonstop to realize the “Three New Leaps” in infrastructure, transportation service and the industrial ability of sustainable development.

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