牟氏庄园 中国北方规模最大、保存最完整的地主庄园


坐落于烟台栖霞城北古镇都村的牟氏庄园,是北方头号大地主牟墨林家族几代人聚族而居的地方,也是中国北方规模最大、全国保存最为完整、最具典型性的地主庄园,1988 年被国务院公布为「全国重点文物保护单位」。

始建于清雍正年间的牟氏庄园,经过历代人的修建,到 1935 年形成至今的规模,占地 2 万多平方米的庄园里分布着三组六院,建有万堂楼厢 480 多间。

据估算,前后修建耗费白银达 48 万两之多。六个大院沿南北中轴线依次建为南群房、平房、客厅、大楼、小楼、北群及东西群厢多进四合院落,形成一套完整的具有典型北方民居建筑特色的古建筑群落。庄园建筑工艺独特,雕刻砌凿,工艺细腻精湛,具有「三雕」、「六怪」、「九绝」之艺术特色。



Situated in Guzhendu Village in the north of Qixia City in Yantai, Mou’s Manor was a place where the family of Mou Molin, the biggest landlord in the north, resided for generations. It is also the largest landlord manor in the north of China and the best-preserved and most representative landlord manor in China. In 1988, it was declared by the State Council as a“national key unit for the preservation of cultural relics.”

Started during the Reign of Yongzheng (1723-1735) in the Qing Dynasty and renovated by generations of people, Mou’s Manor attained its current scale by 1935. Covering an area of more than 20,000 square meters, the manor has a layout of three parts and six courtyards with over 480 buildings.

According to estimates, it cost as much as 480,000 liang of silver to build and renovate the manor. The six courtyards along the north-south axis are courtyards of southern annexes, onestorey houses, living rooms, big buildings, small buildings, and northern, eastern and western annexes, shaping a complete ancient architectural complex with the typical characteristics of northern folk residencies.

作者 仙辑