张裕酿酒公司 中国首家生产葡萄酒的工厂


1892 年,爱国华侨张弼士在烟台创办张裕葡萄酿酒公司,这家公司是中国首家生产葡萄酒的工厂。

事情缘起于 1871 年,华侨富商张弼士在南洋一次酒会上认识了葡萄酒和白兰地,甚感兴趣,尤其听说中国北方的港城烟台有葡萄种植,便产生了在烟台创办葡萄酒厂的念头。

1891 年,张弼士应盛宣怀之邀来到烟台,经实地考察,发现这里的确拥有种植葡萄不可多得的优越条件,于是决定买下烟台东西两座山修建葡萄园。同时,从奥国、法国、美国等国引进了 120 多个品种近百万株葡萄苗进行栽培、嫁接、选育。

1892 年,张弼士出资 350 万两白银,聘请从南洋学成归来的张成卿担任首任总经理,聘请奥匈帝国男爵巴保为首任酿酒师,创办了张裕葡萄酿酒公司。


1912 年 8 月 20 日,孙中山先生途经烟台,亲临张裕公司参观时,欣然挥毫题下了「品重醴泉」四个大字,对张裕公司产品的品质和实业兴邦的品格给予极高评价。

1915 年,张裕的可雅白兰地、红玫瑰葡萄酒、琼瑶浆、雷司令白葡萄酒一举荣获巴拿马太平洋万国博览会四枚金质奖章和最优等奖状。

经过 129 年的历史积淀,张裕公司如今已经发展成为中国乃至亚洲最大的葡萄酒生产企业和品牌运营商。2017 年,张裕以年销量 1500 万箱的成绩荣登全球最具影响力的酒类贸易专业媒体《Drinks Business》「全球十大畅销葡萄酒品牌」排行榜第四。


其中位于烟台开发区的张裕国际葡萄酒城占地 5500 亩,集葡萄示范种植、技术研发、葡萄酒与白兰地生产、主题旅游为一体。酒城生产中心占地 27 万平方米,是全球最大葡萄酒单体生产厂之一。

Over 129 years of historical accumulation, Changyu has become the largest wine enterprise and brand operator in China and even in Asia. In 2017, Changyu ranked 4th among the Top Ten Best Selling Wine Brands in Drinks Business, the most influential professional media of wine trades in the globe with an annual sales volume of 15 million boxes.

Changyu successively purchased six chateaus including Roullet-Fransac in France, Marques del Atri in Spain, Chateau Mirefleurs in France, Vina Indomita in Chile, Kilikanoon Estate in Australia and Chateau Liversan in France in addition to eight chateaus deployed in China. It has shaped a setup of fourteen professional chateaus in four continents up till now.

Among them, Changyu International Wine City in Yantai Economic and Technological Development Area covers an area of 5,500 mu (366.7 hectares), integrating demonstration plantation and technological research and development of grapes, production of wine and brandy and thematic tourism.Covering an area of 270,000 square meters, the production center of the wine city is one of the largest monomer wine producing plants in the globe.

作者 仙辑