

齐鲁文化(潍坊)生态保护区综合传承教育实践基地位于国家 4A 级旅游景区金宝乐园核心区域,是在潍坊市委宣传部指导下,由潍坊市文化和旅游局主办,齐鲁文化(潍坊)生态保护区服务中心重点打造的「山东手造·潍有尚品」综合展示推广平台。基地与金宝动物园、游乐园、植物园和六大游览区交相唿应,形成了游览、娱乐、学习、购物特色旅游矩阵,年游客总量过百万人次。

基地一期占地近 3000 平米,包含潍坊特色手工艺产品展销大厅、地方特色美食展销大厅、丝织刺绣展销大厅、潍坊非遗直播中心以及潍坊非遗研学中心 5 大板块。基地依托非遗及传统工艺积极整合潍坊地区优质手造资源,通过线上直播电商平台、线下一站式综合卖场综合营销模式,为潍坊特色地方产品开辟新的宣传、销售渠道。截至目前基地已与 230 余家手造、非遗企业、项目传承人完成签约,近 3000 款产品涵盖各大生活品类。与此同时,基地与国内多家 O2O 旅游企业进行签约,积极引入外地旅游资源,研发打造 15 项研学课程,多措并举最好线下引流。



基地设有 7 个独立直播间,通过抖音、快手等短视频平台大力拓展线上宣传、销售渠道,运营过程中入驻企业及项目实行全程托管,零成本零人工投入,专心进行产品制作。基地还为各企业提供品牌规划、包装设计、市场推广等多方支持。通过产品销售,预计带动当地就业 100 余人,首年销售额突破 3000 万元,实现经济效益与社会效益双丰收。

Covering an area of nearly 3,000 square meters, the first phase of the base includes an exhibition hall of handcraft products characteristic of Weifang, a sales exhibition hall of local specialties, an exhibition hall of embroidered silk products, a live streaming center for Weifang intangible cultural heritages, and a research center of Weifang intangible cultural heritages. Relying on the intangible cultural heritages and traditional workmanship, the base actively integrates high-quality handcraft resources in Weifang and opens up new publicity and sales channels for products characteristics of Weifang through online live streaming e-commerce platforms and offline one-stop comprehensive marketing mode. Up to now, the base has signed contracts with more than 230 handcraft and intangible cultural heritage enterprises or project inheritors with nearly 3,000 products covering all major life categories. The base has also signed contracts with a number of domestic o2o tourism enterprises to introduce foreign tourism resources, research and develop 15 research courses, and make offline drainage with multiple measures.

作者 邱华伟