



胶济铁路始建于 1899 年,东起青岛(当时称为「胶澳」),西至济南,全程 395 公里,是山东省首条铁路,也是中国最早的铁路之一。胶济铁路在修建初期,德国就计划未来胶济线与津浦线在济南共用一座车站。胶济铁路开通 4 年后,1908 年津浦铁路开工建设。当时中国正在进行收回路权的运动,清政府也担心自己拥有主权的津浦铁路在济南与德国控制的胶济铁路共用一个车站后,会受制于德国,所以果断放弃了这一节省费用的方案,另行修建了津浦铁路济南站。德国的计划落空后,为了与中方抗衡,把扩建的胶济铁路济南新站选在了津浦线济南站正南面 200 多米处,也就是现在的胶济铁路博物馆。

两座车站就这样彼此「遥望」,却互不相通,在中国铁路史上极其罕见。这种状态一直持续到 1938 年,日军占领山东后,为侵华需要,将这两座济南站合二为一。从此津浦铁路济南站成为唯一的济南站,而胶济铁路济南站则被改建成了铁路办公用房。2016 年,原「胶济铁路济南站」旧址被改建成胶济铁路博物馆,成为全国唯一一座建于百年老火车站内的铁路展馆。

目前,胶济铁路博物馆主楼展区面积 2995 平方米,室外面积 3170 平方米。展区分为胶济铁路的修建背景及过程、对山东社会经济发展的影响、风雨沧桑路、迈向新时代四个主题展区,和济南两座老火车站的前世今生、胶济铁路与历史文化名人、红色胶济、走过百年四个专题展区。陈列展品 759 件,照片 1314 幅,系统地介绍了胶济铁路的发展历程以及在近代中国历史上所产生的深刻影响。



随着 2021 年底胶济铁路博物馆青岛分馆的建成开放,胶济铁路博物馆「胶济百年路、城市新起点、时代领跑者」的特色更加鲜明,济南青岛间高铁模拟驾驶、胶济铁路百年 VR5D 影院相继投入使用,让人们可以更好地感受胶济铁路百年发展历程和伟大飞跃,「体验」高铁的中国速度。


In the long river of history, there were two Jinan Stations, one on the Jiaoji Railway and one on the Tianjin-Pukou Railway. Several hundred meters apart, they jointly witnessed the vicissitudes of the City of Springs in modern history. As time went by, the Jinan Station on the Tianjin-Pukou Railway was demolished and rebuilt as the present-day Jinan Railway Station, and the Jinan Station on the Jiaoji Railway has become the Jiaoji Railway Museum, narrating alone the stories of the railway and the two old stations.

At present, the main building of the museum covers an exhibition area of 2,995 square meters, with an outdoor area of 3,170 square meters. The exhibition consists of four theme areas, namely the Construction Background and Process of the Jiaoji Railway, the Influence on Shandong’s Socioeconomic Development, the Course of Vicissitudes, and the Way to a New Era, and four characteristic areas, namely the Past and Present of Two Jinan Railway Stations, the Jiaoji Railway and Historical & Cultural Celebrities, the Red Jiaoji Railway, and the Centenary History. With 759 exhibits and 1,314 photos on display, the museum systematically introduces the development history of the railway and its profound influence on modern Chinese history.

With the completion and opening of the Qingdao Branch of the museum at the end of 2021, the museum characterized by “the Centenary Course of the Jiaoji Railway, the New Starting Point of the City, and the Frontrunner of the Times”has appeared more distinctive.

作者 宋雅寒