



昌乐县镇乐器产业发源于上世纪 70 年代,经过 50 多年发展,乐器生产及配件加工企业已有 108 家,各类从业人员 5000 余人,年产电声乐器 200 万把、配件 500 万套,年营业收入突破 10 亿元,电吉他年产量占全国总产量的 40% 以上,产品远销欧美 30 多个国家和地区。镇先后被评为中国电声乐器产业基地、全国特色景观旅游名镇、山东省特色产业镇、山东省小城镇创新提升行动试点镇。

产业是镇发展的基石。镇创新「党建 + 产业链」模式,先后成立昌乐县乐器协会和昌乐县乐器产业链党委,为企业发展保驾护航。同时强化园区平台支撑,由镇党委政府牵头,引入社会资本参与,搭建乐器产业发展中心、乐器产业园、跨境电商产业园「一中心两园区」。2010 年,集乐器展示、研发孵化、仓储配送等功能于一体的乐器产业发展中心建成投用;2014 年,乐器产业园一期建成投用,已入驻迪生、卡洛斯、雷宗等知名乐器企业;正在建设的乐器产业园二期入选 2022 年省新旧动能转换优选项目、2023 年市重点项目;2022 年,在市商务部门支持下,依托乐器产业发展中心成立跨境电子商务综合试验区,引育跨境电商企业 53 家,在亚马逊、易贝等平台新开设网店 200 余家,年贸易额突破 1 亿元。

产业壮大带动了文化发展。自 2009 年起,镇连续举办 14 届产学研用高峰论坛、13 届全国电吉他大赛、2 届魅力音乐节,与四川音乐学院、山东艺术学院等 51 家高校开展合作,打造了「雅特」「德鲁拉」等 40 多个本土品牌。其中,雅特乐器创新「乐器 + 培训」模式,在全国开设 837 处吉他教室,2 款吉他入选「山东手造·潍有尚品」名录。镇依托昌乐乐器行业协会设立「吉他」区域公用品牌,先后在潍坊、济南、深圳举办「吉他」新闻发布会、开设主题展;推动「吉他」亮相山东春晚,与于文文、叶世荣等歌手开展现场合作;在潍坊市文化艺术中心南广场举办「摇滚音乐之夜」;推动乐器企业组团参加中国国际文化旅游博览会、中国(深圳)国际文化产业博览会、美国阿纳海姆国际乐器展等国内外知名展会,国家一级作曲家、演奏家卞留念到美国宣推雅特乐器,向国际知名人士介绍中国民族品牌,推动品牌走向世界。

在镇,乐器企业主要包括规模化生产和个性化定制两种生产模式。批量化乐器生产价格平均每把约 300 元,定制化产品每把价格在 2000 元到 10000 元之间,其中雅特乐器定制的五品贝斯,单把价格达到 10 万元。「扛起锄头种地,放下锄头制琴」,随着乐器产业规模的不断壮大,乐器产业让一大批居民实现了从普通农民到乐器制作工人的转变。目前镇有 7% 的人口从事乐器产业,每名员工每年能获得 8 万元左右的收入,调音、喷漆等岗位月工资可突破 1 万元,更有一批技术骨干围绕个性化高端私人定制,设立吉他手造工作室,开创了一条「手造致富路」,农家小院里不断走出「国际大单」。


In the process of innovatively upgrading the “Three Models”, Weifang has mobilized mass participation, created the situation of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and led the emergence of lots of high technologies and quality products. The musical instrument industry of Tangwu Town, Changle Town, originated in the 1970s. After over 50 years of development, there have been 108 musical instrument and accessory processing enterprises, and more than 5,000 people engaged in the industry. In the town, the industry has realized an annual output of 2 million electroacoustic musical instruments and 5 million sets of accessories with an annual revenue of over 1 billion Yuan. Besides, its an- nual output of electric guitars has accounted for over 40% of the national total, and its products have been exported to more than 30 countries and regions, including European and American countries. Tangwu Town has won such titles as the China Electroacoustic Musical Instrument Industry Base, the National Famous Town for Characteristic Landscape Tourism, the Characteristic Industry Town of Shandong Province, and the Pilot Town for the Small-Town Innovation and Upgrading Action of Shandong.

In the future, Tangwu Town will continue to make efforts in development ideas, driving forces and characteristic paths with a focus on musical instruments, a characteris- tic industry enriching the people; seize the opportunity of “Shandong Handicrafts” to promote the primary industry by developing the secondary and tertiary industries, effectively facilitate the integrated development of “industry, agriculture, culture, education and tourism”; plan and carry out such activities as the “Electroacoustic Music Festival”, and the “Guitar Competition”, create the cultural image of a “Guitar Town”; build a cultural & creative industry base, utilize cross-border e-commerce and outbound express delivery to boost the upgrading of the musical instrument industry, and facilitate farmer’s common prosperity and rural revitalization.

作者 王德清 闫卿 张跃增