


1982 年,为了保护这些重要城市及其文物古迹免受破坏,「历史文化名城」的概念被正式提出,国务院确定并公布的国家历史文化名城均为保存文物特别丰富、具有重大历史价值或者纪念意义,且正在延续使用的城市。截至 2021 年 11 月 7 日,国务院已将 138 座城市列为国家历史文化名城。

山东自古以来就是文明礼仪之地,是华夏文明的中心发源地之一,齐鲁文化底蕴深厚。「齐鲁」一名,始于先秦齐、鲁两国。齐鲁文化,确切地说是齐文化和鲁文化的融合。齐文化尚功利,鲁文化重伦理;齐文化讲求革新,鲁文化尊重传统。两种文化在发展中逐渐有机地融合在一起,形成了具有丰富历史内涵的齐鲁文化。齐鲁文化在中华文明传承、发展过程中发挥着承前启后的重要作用,留下灿烂文化和丰富遗产,这也让山东自 1982 年国务院公布第一批历史文化名城以来,坐拥曲阜、济南、青岛、聊城、邹城、临淄、泰安、蓬莱、烟台、青州 10 座国家历史文化名城。



Since ancient times, Shandong has been a land of civilized etiquette, and one of the central cradles of the Chinese civilization, with profound deposits of the Qilu culture. There have been 10 state-level historical and cultural cities in Shandong, namely Qufu, Jinan, Qingdao, Liaocheng, Zoucheng, Linzi, Tai’an, Penglai, Yantai, and Qingzhou since the publication of the first batch of famous historical and cultural cities by the State Council in 1982.

“Making the historical context the root that supports city development” has become an indispensable part of city construction and development. With joint efforts in various aspects, many cities have gradually explored some effective methods in the protection of famous historical and cultural cities: attaching increasing importance to the implementation of fine protection measures, making efforts in system planning; activating and utilizing historic buildings, embedding them into the cul- tural context of a city; fully displaying regional cultural characteristics, and breaking the limitation of “Cities with the Same Images”.

Nowadays, with the superposition of profound cultural and historical deposits and vibrant emerging industries, these old cities seem unfading and radiant with unique charm after going through many years. If you visit the land of Qilu, you may achieve the ambition of“dwarfing all peaks” on the top of Mount Tai; enjoy the landscape of“bubbling springs and weeping willows around every household” in the City of Springs, Jinan; as you sense the cultural deposits—“The legacy of Qilu still remains; numerous households maintain a reading habit”in Qufu; enjoy the free and unrestrained state of fairyland on earth in the sea wind in Penglai Pavilion... Certainly, you may also row against the current along the river of time to seek the oldest Chinese civilization in these cities.

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