

从「老三孔」到 「新三孔」
作为孔子故里,曲阜在中国文明史中有着不可替代的地位。大量考古发现和研究成果表明,早在上古时代,人类祖先就在曲阜一带生息劳作,开拓了早期的物质及精神文明。2000 多年前孔子在此开坛授学,首创儒家文化,为此后的中国历史打上了儒学烙印。
正因如此,1982 年国务院首批公布的 24 个国家历史文化名城中便有曲阜。为切实保护好这座历史文化名城,曲阜历届政府高度重视名城保护工作。按照 2015 年山东省政府批复的《曲阜历史文化名城保护规划》,保护范围为曲阜历史城区,主要包括周鲁故城、汉鲁故城、明故城以及与之毗邻的相关区域,东至京台高速公路,西至周鲁故城西护城河,南至有朋路、静轩东路,北至北外环,总面积 23.24 平方公里,其中孔府、孔庙、孔林统称曲阜「三孔」,是孔子故里的名片,闻名中外。如今,为了将国学进行产业活化与现代重塑,曲阜在严格保护「老三孔」的基础上,积极培育「新三孔」即尼山圣境、孔子博物馆、孔子研究院。
同时,曲阜高品质打造研学旅游,塑造了四大文化教育培训基地,挖掘整理开城仪式、祭孔表演、孔府大戏,创新推出《金声玉振》《素王传奇》等文化演艺项目,做活了「孔府印章 + 互联网」模式。这不仅为曲阜文旅发展注入了新动能,同时也为同类地区发展树立了典范。目前,曲阜研学旅游形成了「政德、师德、青少年、儒商」四大研学教育品牌和「礼、艺、德」三类产品体系,逐步把无形的文化转化为可感、可知、可悟的体验产品,推进了文化资源向研学产品的创造性转化。
2021 年 9 月,山东卫视重磅打造的《国学小名士》第四季之《孟子故里·孟言孟语》开播,作为儒家文化、邹鲁文明的重要发源地之一,邹城再次成为世人目光聚焦之地。
邹城是国务院 1994 年批准公布的第三批国家历史文化名城。近年来,邹城立足孟子故里品牌定位,强化政策引导,持续加大文化挖掘力度,不断拓展文化交流,儒家文化、母教文化、始祖文化、邹鲁文化等文化资源呈现百花齐放的发展格局。

为深入贯彻落实各级关于优秀传统文化「双创」工作要求,邹城积极顺应「文化 +」发展趋势,大力推动优秀传统文化创新转化,让传统文化更具时代价值。干部政德教育基地和廉政教育基地是邹城汲取儒家传统文化内涵,精心构建的两大教育基地。干部政德教育基地精选孟子仁政理念、民本思想等经典内容,形成 30 余堂政德教育专题精品课程,打响「气养浩然·行守规矩」政德教育品牌。廉政教育基地聘请专家成立「孟子思想对当今廉政建设的现实意义」课题研究组,阐释孟子思想对于干部廉政建设的时代价值,以「一点、两馆、一公园」为核心建设了廉政文化馆,打造「邹鲁清风」廉政文化品牌。
同时,根据文化市场需求,邹城创新「文化 + 旅游」发展模式,打响以「教子有方 游学邹城」为主题的「孟子修学游」文旅品牌。邹城利用孟庙、孟府古建筑群文化空间,实现「非遗进景区」活动常态化,在丰富已有祭祀孟母、孟子大典、「成人礼」、「乡射礼」、「开笔礼」等传统礼仪展示的基础上,先后推出「传统婚礼」演艺和《羊续悬鱼》等剧目,同时,深入实施孟庙、孟府文物利用与展陈项目,对孟庙亚圣殿、东西庑、致严堂、祧主祠、五代祠等布设展陈,恢复两孟原有礼制空间。为传承弘扬优秀传统文化,邹城与瑞蚨祥等知名企业合作,在孟府设立了儒商馆、传统服饰馆和国医堂等,取得良好的社会效益。
邹城依托国家优秀传统文化传承发展示范区双创园区,在资源整合、产业发展、文创开发等方面快速向云端集结,与京东联合强势植入全产业链资源,发布了 24 个产品系列 300 多种孟子文创 IP 和「仉盟人」IP。
IP 设计中的孟子被设定为幼年时期的孩童形象,虽天资聪慧,却也和普通孩子一样会调皮、会犯错;而相貌从未在古代文献中出现过记录的孟母则被刻画成和眉善目的形象。在系列产品设计中,母子二人大都同框现身,并用卡通化的形式去讲述「孟母三迁」等儒学故事,既充分尊重史实,又融入了艺术元素,将看上去生涩的「之乎者也」包裹进了温馨的母子故事里,软化后的文化内涵更加易于理解和接受,这也为优秀传统文化插上了数字经济的翅膀。
Meet at Hometowns of Confucius and Mencius
Qufu and Zoucheng are not only the birthplaces of sages Confucius and Mencius, but also perfect places for traditional Chinese studies. As state-level historical and cultural cities, the two cities are dotted with historical and cultural heritage, reflecting China’s long history, splendid culture and profound cultural deposits.
As the hometown of Confucius, Qufu plays an irreplaceable role in the history of Chinese civilization. Two millennia ago, Confucius delivered lectures here, and created the Confucian culture, which branded the Chinese history with Confucianism. For this reason, Qufu was among the first batch of 24 national historical and cultural cities published by the State Council in 1982. Now, to revitalize the industry of traditional Chinese studies and to reshape it in a modern way, on the basis of strictly protecting the Temple and Cemetery of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion, Qufu has actively cultivated the Nishan Sacred Land, the Confucius Museum, and the Confucius Research Institute.
Zoucheng was among the third batch of national historical and cultural cities approved and published by the State Council in 1994. In recent years, based on the brand orientation of Hometown of Men- cius, Zoucheng has enhanced policy guidance, continued to intensify cultural excavation and expand cultural exchanges, and enabled cultural resources including the Confucian culture, the mother education culture, the ancestor culture, and the Zoulu culture to show a development pattern of blooming together.
According to the needs of the cultural market, Zoucheng has made innovations on the “Culture + Tourism” development mode, and made a good start for the cultural tourism brand of “Mencius Study Tour” with the theme of “Educating Children Properly in a Study Tour in Zoucheng”. Relying on the Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation Park of the National Demonstration Zone for Inheritance and Development of Splendid Traditional Culture, Zoucheng has rapidly moved to the cloud in the aspects of resource integration, industry development, and cultural and creative development, cooperated with Jingdong to integrate whole industry chain resources, and released more than 300 Mencius-themed cultural & creative IP products and “Zhang’s Alliance”(Zhang signifies Mencius’ mother) IP products in 24 product series, thereby adding the wings of the digital economy to the fine traditional culture.
作者 一卓