


这是 2023 年 8 月 6 日,由济南市武术运动协会主办,济南市槐荫区体育事业发展中心、济南鸿韵文化传媒有限公司承办的「中杰齐晟」杯济南市第二届武术团体展演暨济南市少儿武术春晚选拔赛上上演的壮观景象。

本次参赛运动员大都来自于基层武术组织,分为成人组、少儿组和成人少儿组合组,共有 32 支代表队参加比赛。展演中各门各派、十八般武艺轮番上演,精彩纷呈。成人组、少儿组飒爽英姿、各领风骚。通过角逐,汇武道武术馆《国粹传承》、济南松柏武术馆《功夫武术》、甸柳太极队《行云流水》摘得桂冠,分获 ABC 组冠军。

本次展演赛恰逢第 15 个全民健身日,是一次群众普及性、娱乐性、竞技性相结合的公益武术健身活动。秉承「全民健身日」精神,让武术健身逐渐成为人们生活中的一部分,让体育在全民全面发展与和谐社会构建中发挥更加积极的作用。

Coinciding with the 15th National Fitness Day, the 2nd Jinan Wushu Group Exhibition and Jinan Children’s Wushu Spring Festival Audition was a public welfare Wushu fitness activity that combined mass popularization, entertainment and competition. In line with the spirit of the “National Fitness Day”, Wushu and sports activities conduced to the integration of fitness activities and people’s lives, playing a more positive role in the overall development of human beings and the construction of a harmonious society.