

据介绍,第 30 届青岛国际沙滩节以「致敬百年征程,礼赞伟大时代」为主题,以赓续红色血脉、弘扬伟大建党精神为主线。为响应疫情防控工作要求,本届青岛国际沙滩节未单独举办开幕式,活动自 11 月初启动以来,陆续举办了包括沙排邀请赛、沙雕大赛、沙滩婚庆、沙滩柔道公开赛、沙滩毽球邀请赛、沙滩绘画大赛、沙滩武术邀请赛、沙滩柔道锦标赛、沙滩花毽邀请赛、沙滩冬泳邀请赛、沙滩空竹邀请赛、沙滩拳击邀请赛、沙滩海上拔河邀请赛、沙滩钢笔画国画大展、沙滩鱼拓艺术画大展、沙滩诗歌朗诵会、沙滩音乐之声、沙滩音乐会等在内的众多文体演出、艺术展览、沙滩赛事活动。


The 30th Qingdao Interna- tional Beach Festival has the theme of “Paying Tribute to the Centennial Journey, Saluting the Great Era”, with the main line of carrying forward the great party founding spirit. Since it was launched in early November, 16 splendid series of activities including cultural and sports performances, art exhibitions and beach competitions have been held one after another, which both showed the spir- it of the times and highlighted the regional characteristics of Qingdao, expressing the infinite aspirations of Qingdao people for a better life, creating an atmosphere of “Party’s Celebration, People’s Festival”. At the same time, this event also built a platform for promoting the excellent Qingdao culture and showed the unique style of the beautiful island city in early winter to friends at home and abroad with an open attitude.

作者 Lisa