

养马岛,位于烟台东北约 30 公里的黄海中。她西高东低,四面环海,面积约 10 平方公里。



相传,养马岛的得名和秦始皇东巡有关。公元前 219 年秋天,始皇东巡,登芝罘,射大鱼。跋涉途中,他看到了苍茫大海中的海岛祥云萦绕,流光溢彩,丛林中万马奔腾,时隐时现。他挥鞭一指远处:「好一个养马岛。」皇上开了金口,臣下遵旨照办,就开始在这里蓄养战马。逐渐地,人们就称这里为「养马岛」了。



「马」是养马岛的标志。在岛中,远远便可看到那尊凌空腾飞、巍耸于 50 多米高铁塔之上的巨大白马雕塑,周围是占地 7.2 万平方米的白马广场。广场四周松柏翠绿、花团锦簇,巨大的秦皇雕塑,让人依稀可见当年始皇帝的雄风。

从白马广场向东行约 1 公里,就是占地 19 万平方米的养马岛赛马场。从 1985 年开始至今,这里先后承接了全国马术赛、国际马联障碍赛、六运会马术赛等国内外重大体育比赛,不但是一处重要的体育场所,还成为独具特色的旅游景点。这里,常年举行赛马活动,还开展骑马、古式马拉车、射箭、射击等活动,驰马奔将,枪挑剑击,常令观众看得如痴如醉。




养马岛现有 8 个村,其中孙家疃、马埠崖、黄家庄 3 个村的传统民居保留较多,曾引起以建筑专业闻名的同济大学的关注。据同济大学相关调研,养马岛当时之所以对建筑文化特别重视,是因为有富裕的家底作为支撑。



Legendary Yangma Island

Yangma (Horse Raising) Island is located in the Yellow Sea, about 30 km northeast of Yantai. Higher in the west, lower in the east, it is surrounded by the sea on four sides, with an area of about 10 km2.

In the autumn of 219 BC, Qin Shihuang (First Emperor of Qin) shot a big fish in Zhifu during his Eastern Tour. On the way, he saw an island enveloped in auspicious clouds on the vast sea, with flowing light and galloping horses in the forest. Waving his horsewhip, he pointed at the distance and said, “What a wonderful Horse Raising Island!” Gradually, the island began to be known as“Yangma (Horse Raising) Island”.

However, there were indeed horses on the island. We can still find related ruins. In the east of the island, there is a tiny village named“Mabuya”, in the south of which, there is a wetland under a cliff. It is said that this place was used for capturing horses.

The beauty of the island lies in the mountain and sea scenery beautifully integrated by nature. There is an ancient saying that goes, “A mount needs not be high; it becomes noted when on it fairies dwell. A body of water needs not be deep; it would become spiritual, if a dragon makes it its resting place.” On the island amid mountains and waters, there were Daoists coming to appreciate the basic laws of nature and life and seeking an elixir of immortality in ancient times. For millennia, the vast sea has nurtured the profoundness, remoteness and delicacy of the island.

Under the uncanny workmanship of nature, the pureness and beauty of this immortal island has been formed. In front of the island, there is a broad and calm sea; behind the island, there are jagged reefs and waves beating the shore; in the east, there are clear waters and golden sand, which constitute a fine bath; in the west, there are deep waters and small waves, which form a natural harbor. On the top of the island, looking around through the bright window of the Guanlan Pavilion, you could see the sea and the sky naturally merging into one; fishing boats vying on the vast sea; anglers waving their fishing poles or spinning the reels, enjoying the moment on jagged rocks.

作者 肖寒