

招远粉丝生产始于宋,兴盛于明末清初。明末清初,招远人民开始以绿豆和豌豆为原料生产粉丝,距今已有 300 多年的历史。

据清顺治年间《招远县志》载,当时招远人就掌握了绿豆取粉技术。清咸丰十年(1860 年),徐氏四大粉庄在香港合设「洪泰」经销店,收购招远所产粉丝,由烟台港改龙口港装船外运,为与烟台其他地区产的粉丝相区别,将包装物上标以「龙口粉丝」、「招远基本地」字样,始称「龙口粉丝」。

龙口开埠后,招远人纷纷在龙口设立粉庄,加大了龙口粉丝的外销,使龙口粉丝逐渐享誉海内外。1934 年《中国实业志》记载:招远 60% 的农家与粉业有关,产品出口占龙口港出口总额的 70%。1995 年版《龙口市志》载:「最早产于龙口,后传入黄县,距今已有 300 多年的历史,因其集散于龙口,故称『龙口粉丝』。」

招远是龙口粉丝的发源地和主产区,产量占全国总产量 80% 以上,有「银丝之乡」的美誉。2002 年,中国农学会授予招远「中国粉丝之都」的称号。同年,龙口粉丝获国家原产地域保护,范围为招远、龙口、蓬莱、莱阳、莱州。2005 年,招远粉丝产业入选山东省十大(特色)产业集群,并于 2015 年创建优质粉丝产品生产基地。龙口粉丝销往世界 50 多个国家和地区,赢得了「玻璃面条」、「龙须」等美称。

烟台双塔食品股份有限公司生产的「双塔」牌龙口粉丝成为行业内首个「中国名牌」、「中国驰名商标」,2010 年,烟台双塔食品股份有限公司在深圳证券交易所中小板上市,掀开了龙口粉丝品牌发展与资本发展的先河。

The production of Zhaoyuan vermicelli starts from the Song Dynasty and flourished at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. At the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Zhaoyuan people started to produce vermicelli with mung beans and peas as the material, which was over 300 years ago.

According to the record of Zhaoyuan County Annals during the Reign of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty (1644-1661), Zhaoyuan locals grasped the technology of extracting flour from mung beans at that time. In the 10th year during the Reign of Xianfeng in the Qing Dynasty(1860), four vermicelli stores of the Xu family jointly opened Hongtai Franchise in Hong Kong to purchase the vermicelli produced in Zhaoyuan and ship it from Yantai Port to Longkou Port. To differentiate it from that produced in other areas of Yantai, the packages are marked by “Longkou Vermicelli” and “Zhaoyuan Base.” Hence, it was called “Longkou Vermicelli.

作者 仙辑