
出锅后的博山豆腐箱金黄油亮、外酥里嫩,让人忍不住想「开箱取宝」。The finished Boshan tofu box is golden, glossy, crispy on the outside, and tender on the inside, making diners cannot help but 「open the box to take the treasure」.


豆腐是中华民族最为传统的美食原料,其起源可以追溯到汉代。李时珍《本草纲目》记载:「豆腐之法,始于汉淮南王刘安。」1960 年河南密县发掘的东汉墓中,有豆腐作坊的画像石,可见豆腐历史之悠久。豆腐遍及各地,惟博山豆腐在制作上异于他地,不用卤水制作,也不用石膏来当凝固剂,而是用「酸浆」点脑,压制而成。用这种方法做出的豆腐质地紧实强韧,不管如何烹饪,不塌不散,能制作出多种风味菜品,博山豆腐箱就是其中最有代表性的菜品之一。



博山豆腐箱刚出现时是一个大箱形装馅而成,食用不太方便,心灵手巧的厨师就在原来的基础上加以改进,缩成了十几个小箱子,然后再垒凑成一个大箱形,才有了今天这种便于食用且造型美观的豆腐箱。随着饮食业的发展,博山豆腐箱逐渐升格为「三台席」「四四席」的大件之一,因独特的做法及风味更是登上了人民大会堂国宴之列,深受中外宾客的关注和喜爱。2018 年,博山豆腐箱被评为「山东十大经典名菜」之一。如今,博山豆腐箱走进了寻常百姓家,走进大大小小的博山菜馆里,成了人们必点的一道菜。令食客惊喜的是,博山豆腐箱不但甄选多种食材为馅料,就连箱子的形状也从传统的长方形发展到圆形、元宝、鱼形等多种形状,食客们不仅有更多口味选择,还能感受「都福」的吉祥用意。

做博山豆腐箱是件费时费工的事,需要先将豆腐切成长 6 厘米、宽厚 2 厘米的长块,用花生油炸至金黄色捞出,再在豆腐块的上端切开一块皮,一侧不切断,挖出内里豆腐,填上调好的馅料,盖好「箱盖」。馅料有三鲜馅(海米、虾仁、猪肉)、蟹黄馅、鸡肉馅等多种。装好馅料的箱子垛成塔形,上笼蒸约 10 分钟取出。最后将用木耳、黄瓜片、西红柿片等做好的芡汁均匀地浇在上面,一道色泽鲜亮、香气浓郁的博山豆腐箱就做好了。




Tofu is everywhere, but Boshan tofu differs in preparation. It neither is made in brine, nor has gypsum as the coagulant, but is made by pressing upon the use of “sour slurry”. Tofu made in this way is compact and firm in texture, and does not fall apart no matter how you cook it. It can be made into various flavored dishes, and Boshan tofu box is one of the most iconic dishes.

In the beginning, Boshan tofu box was a large piece of box-shaped tofu with stuffing, which was inconvenient to eat. Ingenious cooks made improvements on the original basis, shrank it into a dozen of small boxes, and then piled up into a big box, thereby presenting the present-day edible and attractive tofu box. With the development of catering, Boshan tofu box has been selected into the state banquet at the Great Hall of the People in reliance upon its unique preparation method and flavor, and has been well received by both Chinese and foreign guests. In 2018, Boshan tofu box was rated as one of“Shandong’s Top 10 Classic Dishes”.

The finished Boshan tofu box is golden, glossy, crispy on the outside, and tender on the inside. The stuffing in the box is tender, hot and fragrant; the broth outside the box is mellow and appetizing. The small golden box locks its internal abun- dance, making diners cannot help but “open the box to take the treasure”. After taking a bite, you can taste the tantalizing sweetness and sourness from the clever combination of meat and vegetable. Only by tasting can you feel the incomparable wisdom contained in this dish.

From a home-style dish for family members to the “Quartet Feast”for guests, from a folk snack to a state banquet dish, Boshan tofu box interprets the ancestors’ constant pursuit of a better life and positive aspiration in central Shandong, and symbolizes the perseverance and inclusiveness of the Boshan people from generation to generation.

作者 杨眉