



党的十八大以来,山东制造业在多个领域取得亮眼成绩。重型商用车动力总成、前置前驱 8 档自动变速器等重大关键技术获国家科技进步一等奖,取得国密算法物联网安全芯片、磁悬浮离心鼓风机等一批标志性成果,高热效率柴油机、己二腈制备等重大技术打破国外垄断,雪蜡车、时速 600 公里高速磁浮列车等一批重大装备填补国内空白……「国之重器」里的山东元素,彰显了山东制造业的硬核实力。


山东大力培育先进制造业集群,积极打造特色优势产业集聚区,在应对新冠肺炎疫情等外部冲击中展现了强大的韧性和潜力。在今年发布的「中国制造业企业 500 强」名单中,山东有 74 家企业上榜,而在拥有国家级专精特新「小巨人」企业及制造业单项冠军数量方面,山东均居全国前三。



Manufacturing industry is the foundation and advantage of Shandong. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, Shandong’s manufacturing industry has secured eye-catching achievements in many fields. The Shandong elements in “the national advanced equipment” show the hard core strength of Shandong manufacturing.

Shandong vigorously cultivates advanced manufacturing clusters and actively builds characteristic and advantageous industrial gathering areas. On the list of “Top 500 Chinese Manufacturing Enterprises” released this year, there are 74 companies in Shandong. In terms of the number of new “little giants” enterprises and manufacturing single championships, Shandong ranks in the top three of the whole country.

Looking back at the new achievements of Shandong manufacturing in the past ten years, it is encouraging. Based on the new stage of development and implementing the new development concept, Shandong’s manufacturing industry will continue to take the road of high-quality development, make new achievements and contributions to serving the national strategic situation.

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