

日月其迈,时盛岁新。值此辞旧迎新之际,我谨代表山东省人民政府和 1 亿多山东人民,向关心支持山东发展的港澳同胞、台湾同胞、海外侨胞和社会各界朋友,致以诚挚的问候和新年的祝福!

刚刚过去的 2021 年,是中国共产党成立 100 周年,是全面迈入社会主义现代化新征程起步之年和「十四五」开局之年,也是必将载入史册、具有里程碑意义的一年。


这一年,我们埋头苦干、辛勤耕耘,发展成果更加丰硕靓丽。我们统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,推进「六稳」「六保」落地,加快新旧动能转换,全省经济稳中向好、进中提质。从「量」上看,地区生产总值有望突破 8 万亿,粮食总产超过 1100 亿斤,规上工业企业突破 3 万家,经济实力跃上新台阶。从「质」上看,预计一般公共预算收入增长 10% 左右,规上工业利润增长 35% 左右,发展质效实现新提升。

这一年,我们锐意改革、矢志创新,动力活力更加充沛强劲。我们坚持向改革要活力,深入实施营商环境创新突破行动,在全国营商环境评价中位列第五,全省实有市场主体突破 1300 万户。我们坚持向创新要动力,高新技术产业产值占比达到 47% 左右,高新技术企业突破 2 万家。我们坚持向开放要潜力,优化全方位开放格局,进出口总额、实际使用外资分别增长 30% 和 20% 左右,齐鲁大地焕发出新的蓬勃生机。

这一年,我们克难攻坚、守护安全,社会大局更加和谐稳定。我们凝心聚力「抗疫情」,快速有效处置烟台、日照五莲突发疫情,梯次开展疫苗接种,累计接种超过 2 亿剂次,日核酸检测能力超过 280 万份。我们众志成城「战汛情」,成功应对 1985 年以来最严重秋汛,全省大中型水库、骨干河道无一出险。我们全力以赴「保供应」,加大煤炭、油气、电力等的保供稳价力度,有力提升了企业的「发展指数」和群众的「温暖指数」。

这一年,我们心系百姓、改善民生,人民生活更加殷实丰盈。我们坚定践行以人民为中心的发展思想,滚动实施 20 项重点民生实事,推出 43 项省级重点民生项目清单,城镇新增就业 120 万人以上,9 类困难群体救助保障标准在上年大幅提标基础上又提高 10%,率先实现医保卡省内「一卡通行」全覆盖,PM2.5 平均浓度、环境空气质量综合指数同比改善 15% 和 10% 左右,丰富多彩的文化活动「点亮」群众美好生活,一派岱青海蓝、物阜民丰的壮美画卷「装点此关山」,齐鲁大地「今朝更好看」。





New Year Message

As a new year begins, everything takes on a new look. On this occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the new, I wish to extend, on behalf of the People’s Government of Shandong Province and over 100 million people in Shandong, my sincere greetings and New Year wishes to our fellow Chinese in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and around the world, and friends from various sectors who have been caring for and supporting Shandong.

The past year was the centenary of the Communist Party of China, the inaugural year of the new journey to socialist modernization, and the first year in the implementation of the 14th Five-Year Plan. It will be written into the annals of history as a year of landmark.

Last year, we kept in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping’s instructions, forged ahead, and charted a clearer course for development. We studied and implemented the guiding principles of the 6th Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, carried out activities to study the history of the CPC, supported the decision to establish Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position in both the Party Central Committee and the Party as a whole and define the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, upheld General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upheld the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership. Following the important requirement made by General Secretary Xi Jinping, we focused on taking the lead in finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, embarking on a new journey to socialist modernization, exploring new heights in developing a modernized province in the new era, and taking the lead in serving and integrating into the new development paradigm, in strengthening the innovation capacity of the economy and society, and in advancing ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. We continued to implement 8 major development strategies, conduct reform in 9 areas, and develop 10 modern industrial clusters, in order to take the lead in 7 aspects and pursue breakthroughs in 9 sectors. And based on that, we further put into practice a six-pronged approach with a six-focus methodology and 12 key tasks in an effort to open up a new horizon for developing a modernized province in the new era. As the people in the province press ahead with perseverance and high morale, Shandong enjoys a promising future.

Last year, we worked hard and scored remarkable achievements. We tried best to strike a balance between virus control and economic and social development, ensured stability on the six fronts and security in the six areas, accelerated growth drivers transformation, and delivered steady and high-quality economic growth. On quantity, we expect the economic output to exceed 8 trillion RMB yuan, grain output to hit 55 million tons, and the number of large industrial companies to surpass 30,000. The economic strength was elevated to a new level. On quality, the general public budget revenue is expected to rise by 10% and profits of large industrial companies 35%. The quality and efficacy of development were improved.

Last year, we were determined to reform and innovate, and showed greater vibrancy. We sought vitality through reform. By seeking innovation and making breakthroughs, Shandong secured the fifth in the ranking of business environment in China, and the number of market entities exceeded 13 million. We sought impetus through innovation. The output of high-tech industry accounted for about 47% of the economy, and the number of high-tech enterprises exceeded 20,000. We sought potential through opening-up. By opening wider to the outside world, the total import and export volume and the actual use of foreign capital increased by about 30% and 20% respectively, and the province demonstrated new dynamism.

Last year, we ensured safety by overcoming difficulties, and performed better in social harmony and stability. We concentrated our efforts on pandemic response, swiftly and effectively dealt with the sudden outbreaks of the virus in Yantai and Wulian of Rizhao , carried out vaccinations in a phased manner. More than 200 million doses have been administered, and the daily nucleic acid testing capacity exceeded 2.8 million samples. We were united in the battle against the worst autumn flood since 1985. None of the large and medium-sized reservoirs and main river channels in the province were in danger. We went all out to ensure energy supply in terms of coal, oil and gas, and electricity, and stabilize their prices, providing guarantee for the operation of businesses and people’s lives.

Last year, we bore in mind people’s needs and made efforts to ensure that people can enjoy a better life. We practiced the people-centered development philosophy, rolled out 20 key programs important to people’s livelihood, and launched a list of 43 provincial-level projects. More than 1.2 million new jobs were created in urban areas. The assistance standards for 9 disadvantaged groups of people, which were raised substantially over the previous year, were raised by another 10%. Shandong turned out the first in China to realize full coverage of medical services by allowing a single medical insurance card across the province. The average intensity of PM2.5 dropped by 15% and the index of air quality improved by 10% year-on-year. A variety of cultural activities were held to enrich people’s lives. The province took on a better look with beautiful scenery, abundant supply of products, and a happy life for people.

Hard-won achievements are made through many trials and tribulations. 2021 will be remembered as a year of hard work and accomplishments. We owe the achievements to the guidance of General Secretary Xi Jinping and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, to the diligence and commitment of all people across the province, and to the support from friends from around the world and people in all sectors. I would like to take this opportunity to extend sincere appreciation to all of you.

Time flies. A new chapter of the history is unfolding. In the new year, we will meet the important requirement made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of Shandong, follow the decision of the Provincial Party Committee, and pursue progress while ensuring stability. By acting on the new development philosophy, we will serve and integrate into the new development paradigm, and advance high-quality development. We will make parallel efforts on pandemic response and social and economic development, ensure both development and security, make breakthroughs in growth drivers transformation within 5 years, solve the most pressing difficulties of great concern to the people, promote common prosperity, bring happiness to people across the province, and greet the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress with outstanding performance.

Ruthless as the virus is, humanity will prevail through solidarity and mutual support, and common progress will be achieved. The Friendly Shandong in the new era has a broad vision, the sincerity to welcome high-caliber personnel, and a great platform for innovation and creativity. We will leverage high-level platforms such as the national strategy for environmental protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin, the comprehensive pilot area of growth drivers transformation, China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone and China-SCO Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone, and seize the opportunity of RCEP, so as to make advances in opening-up on a larger scale and explore new heights in openness. We welcome friends from all over the world to Shandong, where you will find a sound and enabling environment for innovation, business start-ups, investment and living, and feel very much at home and enjoy a wonderful life.

I wish you a happy new year, a happy family, good health, and all the best.

作者 周乃翔