

天地春晖近,日月开新元。值此辞旧迎新之际,我谨代表山东省人民政府和 1 亿多山东人民,向关心支持山东发展的港澳同胞、台湾同胞、海外侨胞和社会各界朋友,致以诚挚的问候和新年的祝福!

刚刚过去的 2022 年,是党和国家历史上极为重要的一年,也是山东发展史上极不寻常、极不平凡、具有里程碑意义的一年。

这一年,有一种「信念」叫锚定目标、奋楫向前。党的二十大胜利召开,擘画了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟蓝图。我们深入学习贯彻党的二十大精神,深入落实习近平总书记对山东工作的重要指示要求,锚定「走在前、开新局」,坚持「六个一」发展思路、「六个更加注重」策略方法、「十二个着力」重点任务,奋力推进新时代社会主义现代化强省建设,以实际行动坚定拥护「两个确立」、坚决做到「两个维护」。在总书记、党中央关心支持下,国务院以「国发 18 号文」印发《关于支持山东深化新旧动能转换推动绿色低碳高质量发展的意见》,赋予山东建设绿色低碳高质量发展先行区的光荣使命。建设好先行区,我们重任在肩、使命如磐,目标笃定、信心满满。

这一年,有一种「坚韧」叫同心抗疫、共克时艰。我们坚持人民至上、生命至上,以统筹之策应对非常之难,不断优化防控措施,疫情防控取得重大战略成果。进入新阶段,我们努力把握节奏、控制进程、拉平曲线、推后峰值,着力保健康、防重症,提升医疗救治服务能力,全省累计接种新冠病毒疫苗 2.57 亿剂次,60 岁及以上人群接种覆盖率达到 95.72%、居全国第一,最大程度保护了人民生命安全和身体健康。在这场艰苦卓绝的大战大考中,齐鲁儿女重情重义、守望相助,医护人员拼搏奉献、大爱无疆,一簇簇爱心善举的微光,凝聚起温暖的火焰,汇聚成冬日里的一股股暖流……越过这个寒冬,一定会迎来春暖花开!

这一年,有一种「担当」叫勇挑重担、聚力发展。我们坚决扛牢经济大省责任,高效统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,聚力推进「三个十大」行动计划,着力扩需求、稳增长,推动全省经济保持稳中向好、进中提质的良好态势,为全国稳大盘作出了山东贡献,在空前考验中交出了合格答卷。从数量上看,工业、投资、外贸等主要指标增速均好于全国、在经济大省中名列前茅,粮食总产达到 1108.76 亿斤,市场主体超过 1400 万家。从质量上看,新旧动能转换取得突破,「四新」经济增加值增长 10% 以上,高新技术企业达到 2.6 万家。高速公路通车里程突破 8000 公里,高铁运营里程达到 2446 公里,沿海港口吞吐量达到 17.5 亿吨、跃居全国首位,座座港湾达四海,条条大路通山东!

这一年,有一种「执着」叫改革创新、进位争先。我们用好改革创新「关键一招」,持续深化重点领域改革,深入实施营商环境创新提升行动,建设「无证明之省」,营商环境整体水平位列全国第一方阵,连续三年入选营商环境最好十大省份,政务服务水平进入全国第一梯队。深入实施「十大创新」行动,崂山实验室获批建设,国家虚拟现实创新中心获批设立,国家企业技术中心达到 193 家、居全国首位,入库科技型中小企业突破 3.5 万家,人才资源总量超过 1500 万人,齐鲁大地焕发出新的蓬勃生机与创新活力。

这一年,有一种「情怀」叫心系百姓、物阜民安。我们坚定践行以人民为中心的发展思想,用心用情用力解决群众急难愁盼问题,扎实办好民生实事,增进民生福祉,促进共同富裕。财政用于民生支出占比保持在 80% 左右,20 项民生实事全面落实。城镇新增就业 115 万人以上,开发城乡公益性岗位 64.3 万个,困难群众救助保障标准再提高 10%。全省大气环境质量持续改善,地表水国控断面优良水体比例首次超过 80%。点滴见初心、枝叶总关情,齐鲁大地山川锦绣、天蓝水净,人民生活持续改善、殷实丰盈。


时光不恋过往,孜孜以搏来时。2023 年是全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神的开局之年,也是绿色低碳高质量发展先行区建设起步之年。我们将坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,全面贯彻落实党的二十大精神,深入落实习近平总书记对山东工作的重要指示要求,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,锚定「走在前、开新局」,以建设绿色低碳高质量发展先行区为总抓手,全面落实「六个更好统筹」要求,更好统筹疫情防控和经济社会发展,更好统筹发展和安全,大力提振市场信心,促进经济稳进提质,提升人民生活品质,保持社会和谐稳定,推动中国式现代化「山东实践」迈出坚实步伐。




New Year Message

As spring approaches, the new year begins. On the occasion of bidding farewell to the old year and ushering in the new, I wish to extend, on behalf of the People’s Government of Shandong Province and over 100 million people across the province, my warm greetings and New Year wishes to our fellow countrymen and women in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and around the world and friends from all walks of life who have supported Shandong’s development.

The past year has been a year of exceptional significance in the history of the Party and our country. It has also been truly momentous and extraordinary for the development of Shandong.

In the past year, we kept to our goals and forged ahead. The 20th National Congress of the CPC was successfully convened, drawing up a blueprint for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through the Chinese path to modernization. We studied and implemented the guiding principles of the Congress, put into practice the major instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of Shandong, focused on taking the lead and opening up new prospects, adopted the six-pronged approach with six priorities and twelve key tasks, advanced the building of a great modern socialist province in the new era, expressed strong support to establishing Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole and establishing the guiding role of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, upheld General Secretary Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and upheld the Party Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership with concrete actions. With the support of the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee, the State Council issued Opinions on Supporting Shandong in Enhancing the Transformation of Old and New Growth Drivers and Promoting Green, Low-carbon and High-quality Development, entrusting Shandong with a glorious mission of building the pilot zone of green, low-carbon and high-quality development. It is our major responsibility and set goal to ensure the success of the pilot zone, and we have full confidence.

In the past year, we worked in unity to fight the pandemic and overcome challenges. We put the people and their lives first, took coordinated steps in response to daunting difficulties, and fine-tuned our response measures, making tremendous achieve- ments in pandemic response. Entering a new stage, we worked to keep pace, control the process, flatten the curve, delay the peak of COVID-19 cases, focus on protecting people’s health, prevent severe cases, and improve the capacity of medical services. 257 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been administered in Shandong, and 95.72% of the population aged 60 and above has been vaccinated, ranking first in China. This has protected people’s life and health to the greatest extent possible. In this arduous battle, the people of Shandong valued friendship and helped each other. Medical professionals worked hard with great dedication. The glimmer of kindness and love created the warm flame in winter. We will get through the cold winter and embrace the coming of spring.

In the past year, we shouldered heavy responsibilities and focused on development. Shandong, as an economic powerhouse, effectively coordinated COVID-19 response and economic and social development, promoted three ten-action plans with a priority on expanding demand and stabilizing growth, and sustained the good momentum of economic stability and progress, contributing to maintaining stable economic performance across the country and making the grade in responding to the unprecedented test. On quantity, the growth rate of major indicators, such as industry, investment and foreign trade, outpaced that of the whole country and led the way among the major economic provinces. The total grain output reached 55.438 billion kilograms, and the number of market entities surpassed 14 million. On quality, breakthroughs were made in replacing old growth drivers with new ones. The added value of new technologies, new industries and new forms and models of business as a share of the economy increased by more than 10%, and the number of high-tech enterprises hit 26,000. The length of expressways open to traffic exceeded 8,000 kilometers, the in-operation high-speed railways reached 2,446 kilometers, and the throughput of coastal ports registered 1.75 billion tons, ranking first in China. A well-established transport system has been put into place in Shandong.

In the past year, we boosted reform and innovation, and pursued advancement. We leveraged reform and innovation, continued deepening reform in key areas, carried out the action of improving the business environment through innovation, and provided digitalized government services. The overall business environment and government services ranked among the top in China, and Shandong has been one of the top ten provinces with the best business environment for three years in a row. The province has been committed to exploring new ground in 10 areas. Approvals were given to Shandong to build Laoshan Laboratory and National Virtual Reality Innovation Center. The number of national-level corporate technology centers reached 193, ranking first in China. The number of small and medium sci-tech enterprises included in the national list exceeded 35,000. Shandong had a talent pool of over 15 million. The province is full of new vitality and innovation momentum.

In the past year, we put people front and center and ensured a happy life for all. We acted on the people-centered development philosophy, worked hard to resolve the pressing difficulties and problems that concerned people most, made solid progress in improving people’s livelihood, enhanced people’s wellbeing, and promoted common prosperity. Around 80% of the government budget was spent on ensuring standards of living. 20 programs related to people’s wellbeing were implemented. Over 1.15 million new urban jobs and 643,000 public welfare jobs in urban and rural areas were created. Social assistance benefits increased by another 10%. We continued to improve air quality, and the proportion of lakes and rivers graded Class I to III under state control exceeded 80% for the first time. With a beautiful environment, people enjoy a better life.

One cannot appreciate the difficulty except through personal experience. Looking back on the past year, no step was easy, every day of hard work was remarkable, and the achievement should be cherished. The accomplishment was made possible with the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the sound guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the direction set by General Secretary Xi Jinping for Shandong, the leadership of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee, and the dedication of the people across the province. We also owe what we have achieved to the support from friends both at home and abroad and people from various sectors. Here, I would like to extend to you my sincere appreciation.

Looking back at the past drives us to pursue a better future. The year 2023 is the first year for us to implement the guiding principles of the 20th National Congress of the CPC and build the pilot zone of green, low-carbon and high-quality development. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Shandong will implement the guiding principles of the Congress, carry out the instructions made by General Secretary Xi Jinping on the work of Shandong, act on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring stability, and strive to take the lead and open up new prospects. Through building the pilot zone of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, we will follow across the board the requirements of stronger coordination in six areas, coordinate pandemic response and economic and social development, strike a balance between development and safety, boost market confidence, promote economic stability and progress, improve people’s quality of life, maintain social harmony and stability, and take solid steps in making Shandong’s contribution to Chinese modernization.

Openness and cooperation prevail in today’s world. They are also the distinctive features of China and the pursuit of Shandong. We will bear in mind the expectations of General Secretary Xi Jinping and make full use of such high-level platforms as the pilot zone of green, low-carbon and high-quality development, the China (Shandong) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the demonstration zone for China-SCO local economic and trade cooperation, and the national strategy of Ecological Protection and High-Quality Development of the Yellow River Basin to facilitate connectivity in markets, industries, innovation, and rules, breaking new grounds in promoting international exchanges, sharing opportunities of Shandong with the world, and creating a better future together. We sincerely invite friends from home and abroad to visit Shandong, appreciate the profound cultural heritage of the hometown of Confucius and Mencius, explore the charm of our lush mountains and blue ocean, experience our cultural traits of broad-mindedness, openness and inclusiveness, and vitality, and enjoy the hospitality of Friendly and Remarkable Shandong. With great sincerity, practical measures, and sound services, Shandong will create a good environment for talents and guests from all over the world to undertake innovations, start businesses, make investments, and lead a happy and prosperous life in the province.

As an old Chinese poem goes, “What shall I say of the Great Peak? The ancient dukedoms are green everywhere.” The land of Qi and Lu States, with its rich culture, is full of vigor and hope. Let’s join hands, with everyone’s insights and hard work, for a vibrant spring and a better Shandong.

I wish you a happy new year, good health and all the best.

作者 周乃翔