


在中国东北地区的黑龙江、松花江和乌苏里江的下游沿岸,生活着一个古老的渔猎民族——赫哲族。赫哲族是人口较少的少数民族之一,主要聚居在黑龙江省的敖其、街津口、四排、八岔 4 个民族乡,现有人口 5000 余人,同鄂伦春族、门巴族等一起被称为中国的「六小」民族。



钓鱼台风景区是游客来赫哲族渔乡的打卡地。The Diaoyutai Scenic Area is an Internet-famous site for tourists in Hezhe Fishing Township.


赫哲族居住的三江流域水产资源十分丰富。图为渔民捕捞到鲟鱼,喜不自胜。The three-river basin where the Hezhe people live has rich aquatic resources. The picture depicts the scene of a fisherman beaming with pleasure after catching a sturgeon.


黑龙江上,赫哲族渔民驾船赶往捕鱼滩地。On the Heilongjiang River, the Hezhe fishermen sail boats to the fishing beach.
街津口赫哲族渔乡艺术团演员为游客表演《网滩欢歌》,传播赫哲族文化。The performers of the Jiejinkou Hezhe Fishing Township Art Troupe perform Beach Paean for tourists to spread the Hezhe culture.

Charming Hezhe Fishing Township

Standing on Diaoyutai (a fishing terrace), you could see the rolling waves of the Heilongjiang River underfoot, overlook the tranquil countryside of Russia to the north, hear the Hezhe (Hezhen) people’s pleasant fishing songs... The Diaoyutai praised here is not only a famous tourist attraction in Jiejinkou Hezhe Fishing Township, Tongjiang City, Heilongjiang Province, but also a local landmark and Internet-famous site.

There is an old fishing and hunting ethnic group—Hezhe ethnic group living along the banks of the lower reaches of the Heilongjiang River, the Songhua River and the Ussuri River in Northeast China. The Hezhe people mainly inhabit four ethnic townships of Heilongjiang: Aoqi, Jiejinkou, Sipai and Bacha. With a population of over 5,000, it is known as one of “Six Smallest Ethnic Groups” in China, together with Oroqen and Moinba.

The Hezhe culture is resplendent. Its distinctive fish skin clothes are exquisite and beautiful; the folk dance Shaman dance is mysterious and uplifting; old Yimakan storytelling has been widely circulated, and inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding.

For the Hezhe people living in Jiejinkou, their favorite solar term is the White Dew. They call it the“Fishing Period”. In that period, the Hezhe fishermen are delighted to see salmons swimming from the Strait of Tartary (Tartar Strait) to the upper reaches of the Heilongjiang River and the Ussuri River against the current. They cast long fishing nets in the river to catch the gifts of nature, as well as joy and happiness.

Now, the past quiet and remote fishing township has become prosperous, and developed into a favored land for development and tourism. Relying on the advantage of fishing and hunting resources, the natives have cleverly facilitated tourism, developed fish skin paintings, made fish skin clothes, fishbone and birch bark paintings, and utilized ethnic tourism to stimulate economic development.

街津口赫哲族渔民围着篝火翩翩起舞,尽情歌唱。The Hezhe fishermen of Jiejinkou dance around a bonfire, and enjoy singing.

作者 韩加君